Teens can have their voice heard and make a difference!
Teens can have their voice heard and make a difference!
Young people aged 13-18 years old, have the opportunity to have their say as part of an exciting new project being run by the Queensland Family and Child Commission (QFCC).
The Growing Up in Queensland survey gives teenagers across Queensland a voice about their experiences, opportunities and challenges.
The QFCC wants to discover:
How Queensland’s children and young people experience life in their community.
Their career aspirations and the supports and barriers which can impact them achieving their goals.
What they think government should focus on and how they want their communities to look now and in the future.
The QRCC wants to hear from young people from across Queensland, living in different communities, from different cultures and of all abilities. The online survey can be accessed at: https://e-hub.engagementhub.com.au/growing-up-in-queensland-.