Tertiary Bonus Schemes Are Changing
Tertiary Bonus Schemes Are Changing
The Australian Government, in partnership with the Higher Education Sector, has made changes to the way universities explain their admissions processes. `OP cut-offs’ and ‘Bonus Schemes’ (Subject, School-Relationship, Elite Athlete, Equity, etc.) are changing to allow more transparent and consistent admissions terminology and language across Australia. Bonus Schemes are now known as `Adjustment Factors’. Each institution will outline the adjustment factors they offer. OP cut-offs will now be published showing the highest OP/Rank to receive an offer, the median OP/Rank and the lowest OP/Rank from the previous year. An online Information Hub is being developed by the Government and will be available around August, prior to QTAC applications.
Mrs Natasha Purcell, Careers Counsellor