PLC Netball Club

PLC Netball Club

Only on newsletter 
Included in newsletter

On Saturday the club held its first grading day and movie night. For the older girls, it was great to see their endeavour, skills and spirit as they competed for a place within their respective teams. For our younger teams it was their first training session with an opportunity to meet the coaches, parents and each other.

Training was followed by a BBQ and movie, ‘A Night at the Museum’. The aim was to provide an opportunity for our community to come together as one and to ‘break down’ the team boundaries. With this aim in mind, the evening was a great successful. A special thank you to our Events Coordinator Allie Morgan and the other helpers who pitched in to assist. Thank you also to Pacific FC for the use of their canteen and to the College for providing access to the facilities.

The night also provided an opportunity to announce our Club Captain for 2018, Tayla Gorham. Tayla plays in our senior team, coached a team last year, umpires for the club and this year takes on the role of Director of Umpiring, being responsible for the training and mentoring our junior umpires. Tayla achieves this whilst balancing her Year 10 studies. We wish Talya all the best for 2018.

This week sees team training commenced on Tuesday for the senior teams and Wednesday for the U12s and below.

Our next social event is a trip to the Lightening vs Firebirds game on Sunday 6th May. Due to the size of the USC facility, the Lightening do not offer group bookings for home games, so the club is forced to travel to Brisbane. To express your interest in attending and / or reserve your place, visit:

Stay up-to-date via Facebook and our website!

Mr Trevor Colton, PLC Netball Club President
