Information Evenings

Information Evenings

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At the recent information evenings, students have been encouraged to explore their career and future study pathways in more detail and to engage in some work experience throughout the year. The following websites can assist with further exploration. If you have missed an information evening and have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Mrs Natasha Purcell directly.

  • Pacific Lutheran College Careers: Offers a broad range of information on the senior phase, post-school options, events calendar, apprenticeships and more. Students have access to a secure student area to build resumes or career action plans.
  • Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching: Compare courses across universities using various criteria such as graduate outcomes, student engagement and quality teaching.
  • Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC): Allows for course searches, provides key dates for University open days and career expos, application information and much more.
  • TAFE Myprofiler: Provides a short career quiz to help you match career interests with TAFE course offerings.
  • Australian Apprenticeships: Offers information on skills shortages, school-based apprenticeships, steps to becoming an apprentice and answers frequently asked questions.

Mrs Natasha Purcell, Careers Counsellor