University Updates

University Updates

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Queensland University of Technology (QUT)

QUT Summer Holiday Program – QUT is offering a free family holiday program in January featuring a mix of interactive activities to suit everyone. Learn more at:

Real Decisions Event – QUT’s Real Decisions event will be held on Tuesday 19th December from 9.00am – 1.00pm at the Gardens Point campus. The event will cover courses, ordering preferences, upgrading, offers and university life.

Griffith University

Scholarships – It is not too late to apply for scholarships. The due date for the Deans Sir Samuel, Sir Samuel Griffith Scholarships and Unistart Equity Scholarships is 10th December. Learn more at:

University of Queensland (UQ)

OP Results Advice Night – If you didn’t get the OP you wanted, or if you are still undecided about your course options, this event is for you. It will be held from 4.00pm – 7.00pm on Monday 18th December at the UQ Centre on the St Lucia campus. To find out more, visit:

2018 UQ Science Ambassador Program – Applications for this program will close on 23rd March. Through this program, science teachers nominate Year 11 students to engage with UQ and assist teachers to raise the profile of this subject in their school. If you will be in Year 11 in 2018 and are interested in being a part of this program, talk to your science teacher.

Australian Catholic University (ACU)

Know Your Options Information Session – This event provides an opportunity for students to explore their study options at ACU after they receive their Year 12 results. It will be held from 3.30pm – 6.00pm on Monday 18th December at the Brisbane campus.  Register to attend at:

Accommodation – If you need to live away from home to attend ACU’s Brisbane campus, be aware that, while there isn’t on-campus accommodation currently, you do have several other options. Learn more at:  

Mrs Natasha Purcell, Careers Counsellor