Term 3 Update
Term 3 Update
We are having a quietly busy week in the library after all the excitement of Book Week. Thank you to all the families who supported our great celebration – your children looked fantastic in their book character costumes last Friday!
Home Readers Prep – Year 2
We are in the process of restructuring the management of the Junior College Home Reader collection to make it easier and more accessible for children and teachers. We hope to have this completed by next week, so in the meantime children are taking a little break from taking readers home this week. We thank parents for their understanding on this matter.
Reading Challenge Term 4
Next week is the launch of our Spring Reading Challenge! Primarily this challenge is aimed at independent readers from Year 2 to Year 6/7. Further information will be provided via your child's class teacher and through the library. The challenge will run until the end of Term 4.
Student Book Clubs
During Tuesday lunchtime next week (5th September) any students from Years 5-8 who are interested in starting a book club are invited to bring their food to the library and express their interest. Our book club for older students, Choc Lit, will meet during Thursday lunchtime. This group has been extended to include Year 8-10 students. Please encourage your keen readers to come along and make themselves known.
Scholastic Book Club
Book Club orders are due back by 4th September or remember you can order online via LOOP.
“Reading should not be presented to children as a chore, a duty. It should be offered as a gift.” – Kate di Camillo
Ms Sue Warren, Teacher Librarian