General P-5 Update

General P-5 Update

Only on newsletter 
Included in newsletter

Welcome to the start of the new term. We hope all families spent a relaxing and enjoyable time together over the holidays.


Students in Years 1-5 may only wear their sports uniform to school on the days they have HPE lessons. Year 4 and 5 students may also wear their sport uniforms to school on Thursdays. On odd occasions throughout the year, students may be requested to wear their sports uniform to school for carnivals or excursions. However, on all other occasions students should attend school in their formal uniform.

If your child is unable to wear the correct uniform, please send a note to your child’s class teacher. A uniform reminder letter will be forwarded to parents when children are in the wrong uniform without a note.


The hat is an important part of the College uniform. Each student is required to wear a hat during break times and when travelling to and from school. We ask all parents to encourage and remind their children of these requirements.