Fully Nurturing Wellbeing
Fully Nurturing Wellbeing
A quick Google search on the dimensions of wellbeing produces scholarly articles that variously describe 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 or 10 dimensions of wellbeing. One dimension that appears in the different models, but receives little media commentary, is spirituality. This dimension includes the importance of connecting to something beyond ourselves, having purpose and meaning in our lives and living consistently with well-formed beliefs and values. This can be an area that is easy to lose sight of in the busyness of life and yet is central to our general sense of wellbeing. Like other areas of life, it is strengthened when it is nurtured in an intentional way.
A core area of growth within the Pacific community is engaging its members with opportunities to grow in their understanding and relationship to a loving God. As a community we celebrate with gratitude what God has given us. We are thankful that through faith and by His grace, He forgives us when we are less than we should be. As we come to the end of the term we can be still and give a prayer of thanks for all the blessings He has given. We can also ask for forgiveness where we have hurt others or not taken the opportunities to be the best we can be. We can then ask for God’s help and step forward with renewed purpose, hope and energy knowing that He walks with us.