Year 3-6 Cross Country Carnival

Year 3-6 Cross Country Carnival

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Included in newsletter

Last Friday the weather finally cooperated and we were able to hold the long awaited Year 3-6 Cross Country Carnival. Students excitedly made their way down to the Meridan Sports Fields just after morning tea. It was great to see the tremendous house spirit amongst the three houses with Year 6 students leading war cries prior to the first race.


There were lots of great individual performances across all divisions at the carnival. The benefits of the Tuesday morning run club could be seen with some very quick times recorded by students! Congratulations to Wira House who won the Carnival and to the following students who were awarded age champions.




8 Years

Leo Michaels

Madyson Pearce

9 Years

Riley Bowering

Sarah Barrett

10 Years

Darcy Connors

Bella Lumkes

11 Years

Christian Schlotterbach

Zaida Williams

12 Years (Primary)

Thomas Jackson

Olivia Cooke

The Independent District Cross Country Carnival will be held on Thursday 18th May (Week 5). Students who have made this team will receive information and a consent form over the coming week via CareMonkey. 
