Outdoor Education

Outdoor Education

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Year 9/10 Outdoor Education Camp

Thank you to the parents and students who attended the two Parent Information Evenings over the past couple of weeks. It is essential that the camp option form be returned to the Middle/Senior College office by Monday. Year level meetings will then be held for students who chose option 1 so they can select their activity groups – either white water canoeing or mountain bike riding. Once this has been completed, the camp program at Uki can be finalised and distributed to students and parents.

Holiday Expeditions

A final reminder for students and parents who are interested in either the New Zealand Expedition (December 2017) or White Water Canoeing Expedition (Easter holidays) to please contact Dr Peter McMahon directly (5436 7381 or pmcmahon@pacluth.qld.edu.au). Both of these expeditions are held in remote areas and participants will have an adventure like no other. A movie of the 2015 New Zealand Expedition can be viewed at: https://youtube.com/watch?v=3ZzNzED2s0E. This will give potential adventurers an idea of what the expedition is about. 

Other expeditions planned for later in the year are the Mt Barney National Park Tramp (July holidays) and Mountain Bike Expedition (September holidays). To find out more about these programs, please contact Dr McMahon.

Dr Peter McMahon, Head of Outdoor Education
