Sports Communication

Sports Communication

Only on newsletter 
Included in newsletter

Parents: Please ensure you have signed up to CareMonkey. You should have received an email with a link to the site. All permission and information letters for all sporting events will be uploaded here. With the simple click of a button, you can give your consent, without the need for paper!

Current notices for Year 7-12 parents in CareMonkey:

  • 2017 Sport – Year 7-12 Parents Letter. This is information only and should give you an option to acknowledge receipt.
  • 2017 Sports – Year 7-12 Consent Form. This has a letter to review and then online consent for selection.
  • Years 7-12 Swimming Carnival and Trials – This is information only and should give you an option to acknowledge receipt.

If you have not yet seen an invitation to create your child’s profile, please check your Junk Mail folder. If you cannot find the email request or have any questions, please contact our Sports Aide, Mrs Natalie Campbell. Emails will come from CareMonkey Administrator and will generally have a subject heading stating “Pacific Lutheran College is requesting….”.

Students: Student sporting information will be distributed via the Student Notices and on Schoology. They are reminded to check these two areas daily to ensure they are up to speed with all things sport. Students should already have signed up for Schoology or reactivated their profile from last year, with the CODE: PCZQG-QPQHX
