Outside School Hours Care

Pacific Outside School Hours Care provides a stimulating and supportive environment for school age children. Our program encourages young minds to think independently and also promotes learning. We provide care to many children from our extended community, which offers a diverse atmosphere for both the children and the staff.

Pacific’s Outside Schools Hours Care program is based on the My Time Our Place – Framework for School Aged Care, fosters creativity and supports co-operative learning though activities that are both fun and challenging. Through the implementation of this framework, we encourage children to:

  • Have a strong sense of identity;
  • Be connected with and contribute to his or her world;
  • Have a strong sense of wellbeing;
  • Be confident and involved learners; and
  • Be effective communicators.

Our Outside Schools Hours Care service operates during term time, from 6.30am to 8.30am before school and from 3.00pm to 6.00pm after school.


Mrs Michelle Greenhalgh, Educational Coordinator
P: 5436 7387
M: 0438 115 879
E: oshc@pacluth.qld.edu.au


Vacation Care

Our Vacation Care service provides a caring, safe and secure environment for children and families from Pacific Lutheran College as well as the local community. Our service aims to foster creativity and support co-operative learning though activities that are both fun and challenging. Our program is tailored to ensure all children’s interests and abilities are considered through a variety of recreational leisure activities.

The ethos of our Vacation Care service supports and embraces the Christian values of Pacific Lutheran College.

Our Vacation Care service operates from 6.30am to 6.00pm during school holidays and pupil free days. The service will be closed on public holidays and for two weeks over the Christmas and New Year period.

To view the program for the upcoming April 2025 holidays, click here. To download the booking form, click here. 


Mrs Michelle Greenhalgh, Educational Coordinator
P: 5436 7387
M: 0438 115 879
E: oshc@pacluth.qld.edu.au