Pacific Soccer – Free Come and Try Sessions

Pacific Soccer – Free Come and Try Sessions

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Included in newsletter

Pacific Soccer, in conjunction with the Brisbane Roar, is running Free Come and Try Sessions for Prep-Year 3 students at Pacific. We particularly welcome new players who wish to come and have a go under the supervision of the Brisbane Roar coaches.

The first of the sessions kicks off during lunchtime, this coming Tuesday 22nd November. Click here to download the flyer and permission slip. To book a free place, please return the permission slip to the Junior College office. Places are limited to the first 35 registrations. Hats and water bottles are needed.

Our Kindy and Early Learning Centre are also participating in the sessions from 1.35pm – 2.00pm as part of their incursion program.

Further sessions will be held when school commences next year:

  • Tuesday 31st January – lunchtime
  • Tuesday 7th February – after school 3.00pm – 4.30pm

For more information, please email:

Mrs Jenny Lee, Pacific Soccer Registrar
