Year 7-10 SCISSA Soccer

Year 7-10 SCISSA Soccer

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Congratulations to our soccer teams who, once again, played tough matches in the SCISSA competition this week.

The Junior Girls won by one goal in the last minute of their match against St Andrew’s Anglican College. Congratulations to Brooklyn Graves and the rest of the team! The Junior Boys played in a tough match against a good opposition and, although they put in a great effort, went down 5-0 against Glasshouse Christian College (GCC). The Intermediate Boys fought hard as well, but also narrowly lost to GCC, 4-3.

Games continue next week with the following match ups:

Int Boys 4.45pm PLC SCGS Meet on PLC oval by 4.30pm
Jnr Boys 4.00pm PLC NCC Meet on PLC oval by 3.40pm
Jnr Girls 4.00pm Beegees
GCC Bus departs PLC: 3.20pm
Bus returns PLC: 5.20pm

We wish all teams the best of luck!

Mr Mark Hauser, Head of Sport
