Prep - Year 2 Cross Country Carnival

Prep - Year 2 Cross Country Carnival

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At the end of last term, we held our Prep – Year 2 Cross Country Carnival. All the students ran with great enthusiasm and should be very proud of themselves. The winners of the day are as follows:


  1. Archie Baldwin
  2. Elijah Naus
  3. Josh Allen
  1. Sienna Baker
  2. -
  3. Anna Lumkes

Year 1

  1. Lennon Biggs
  2. Valentino Kelly
  3. Joey Woods/Kyah Morgan
  1. Jazz Edmondstone
  2. Noella Finney
  3. Tahlia Kelly

Year 2

  1. Talon Paora
  2. Flynn Turnbull
  3. Coby Sorbello
  1. Zoe Woods
  2. Sarah Barrett
  3. Annie Hentschel

Congratulations to Bula House who was named this year’s house champions of the carnival.


Having been delayed by rain previously, the afternoon format proved to be very popular with spectators. We thank the many family and friends who came to cheer on our students. 
