New Careers Counsellor
New Careers Counsellor
I am very excited to be joining the Pacific Lutheran College community in the role of Careers Counsellor, taking over from the wonderful work of Mrs Ainslie Reid. I have worked in the Secondary School system for 15 years, assisting students with their post-schooling pathways and have recently completed further post-graduate study in Career Development and Education. It is a very dynamic field of teaching and it’s always very gratifying seeing students’ strive to reach their aspirations. I look forward to meeting many of you over the coming weeks at the Senior Information Evenings and working more closely with your students throughout the year. Keep an eye on this section of the newsletter for careers information and important dates related to University Expos and Open Days or application submission deadlines. Wishing all of our students a successful start to 2016.
Mrs Natasha Purcell, Careers Counsellor