Sharing Hope

Sharing Hope

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As we look to Christmas, we are reminded of the hope that God brings into the world each moment through His grace and forgiveness. As we reflect over a year, there will be things that we are proud of and wish to celebrate and there will also be those things where we may have hurt others or not done our best. Learning to forgive ourselves and others and to learn through the mistakes we and others make frees us to live with greater purpose and hope. Learning to see and celebrate the gifts that God gives us each moment, even at the most challenging of times can bring light into our hearts and minds. Learning to accept what cannot be changed and focusing our energy on where we can have influence builds momentum, energy and possibility.

God promises to walk with us and to be the wind beneath our wings. He invites us to bring wonder into our daily lives and see life as an adventure. God loves each of us unconditionally. We are enough. We have enough. The people around us are enough. When we act out of love, grace and possibility we are freed to simply be.
