You Are Welcome

You Are Welcome

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This simple act of ensuring that all feel welcome is a great gift that each of us can extend each day. Having a strong sense of belonging frees people to engage and grow deeper connections and understandings. As we reach out and connect, living as open people who welcome, we all grow richly together as individuals and as community. Through bringing curiosity and valuing different perspectives there is space for laughter and joy as we create safe spaces for each other. Trust grows in spaces of welcome and people flourish as they are freed to learn through success and mistake making.

God extends His arms of welcome to us in every moment of our lives. God walks with and within us, empowering and encouraging us to be people who welcome and love our neighbours.  Through faith in God’s love and grace for us, we are invited to place our mistakes, disappointments and worries at the foot of the cross. Freed, we open our arms and hearts of welcome.
