Principal’s Log

Principal’s Log

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Included in newsletter

Our Year 11 students provided some powerful insights as they presented their speeches addressing the theme of “The Road Not Taken” as part of the Foundation Cup Public Speaking Competition held this week.  Sixteen students took the opportunity to present their thinking during lunch to their peers, Year 12 leaders and staff. All sixteen students can be proud of their presentations. We thank Mrs Trish Barone, the leaders of the Academic Pacific Action Group Olivia Boland and Cooper Whatham and co-judges Mrs Rae Hall, and Mrs Anne-Maire Gerlach for their leadership and attendance. We thank staff and students for their support of the students.

Over this week and into next week, students will continue to receive feedback about their learning via PLC Navigator and Seesaw. Supporting young people to reflect and celebrate what has been learnt, to identify areas that are yet to be learnt and then develop a plan on how to progress their learning including a reflection on attitudes and approaches to learning are important lifelong habits to develop. Parents of Year 3-5 students might like to reflect with their children on the message they heard Mr Damian Davis present at their assembly this week on how they should use feedback to build on their learning.

Year 10 students and their families took advantage of the opportunity on Tuesday evening to learn more about their next steps as they consider subject choices for Year 11 and 12 and their pathways beyond school. It is an exciting time for our young people and we thank parents and students for their attendance and Head of Learning Senior College, Mrs Anne-Marie Gerlach and Head of Career Development, Mrs Veronica Sanmarco for their informative presentations and leadership of this process.

Students and families are reminded that learning will continue right to the conclusion of this semester on the afternoon of Wednesday 19th June. Midde and Senior College students who are absent are expected to use the online materials provided to catch up on missed learning.

We look forward to next week’s Ensemble’s Concert. The evening provides the opportunity for people within and outside of our community to enjoy a night of musical entertainment while enjoying tasty food options provided by the hospitality department. Families are encouraged to use the link later within the newsletter to book seats for the evening. We wish our musicians all the best as they prepare for the evening.

May God give us the grace to sit gently with listening hearts and inquiring minds at the juncture of choices to explore a third path that provides for growth and connection.

Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal
