Reporting in Prep to Year 5

Reporting in Prep to Year 5

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School reports can be very valuable for parents, a proud moment to highlight your child’s recent progress achievements! They can also be used as a reflection tool to see if teachers’ predictions and comments were achieved. The main purpose of a school report is to keep you updated about your child’s progress and to keep lines of communication open between home and school.

When you read your child’s school report ask yourself these questions to help you identify and understand what they are doing well.

•    Where are my child’s strengths?

•    What areas were standouts?

•     Where can we celebrate?

Where to next?

•   Do we need more time at home for work to get done?

•   Do we need to incentivise learning?

•   Is the help for our child working?

•    Do we need more or different help?

•    Do we know why our child is struggling to learn?

Spending time to read the school report with your child allows them to see firsthand what they are doing right and what they can improve on.  It helps them to develop a sense of what the expectations are and how they can meet them.

Reports aside, the end of a semester is a celebration- whether it is the halfway point or the end of the year, make sure to celebrate the achievements of your child and help them to be ready for a positive start to the semester ahead.

Mrs Sue Zweck, Head of Learning K-5