What's Happening in the Library?

What's Happening in the Library?

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Need Something to Read Over the Summer?

Borrow as many books as you like from our library, provided all of this year’s books have been returned. Or check out our ebook collection for Middle and Senior College – great for if you’re travelling.

The Sunshine Coast Council Libraries are also running their annual Summer Reading Club, with the opportunity to win some great prizes. See the flyer for more information and to register or drop into your nearest council library.

Finally, if you love to connect with other passionate readers, you might like to join the Rebel Readers’ Alliance, an online book club for readers aged 9-12, hosted by author Rebecca Sparrow. For our older readers there is also The Wild Readers for 12-14-year-olds, The Midnight Readers for teens aged 15+ and Birds of a Feather for adult bibliophiles.

Ms Narelle Keen, Teacher Librarian
