Supporting your child with the move to Prep
Supporting your child with the move to Prep
As a parent, you play a vital role in your child’s education. There are many things you can do to support a great start to school for your child.
How you can help
All children have different interests, needs and motivations and each child’s transition from Kindy to Prep will be unique. You can help your child to feel more comfortable about starting school by engaging in everyday activities.
Build your child’s confidence.
Help to build your child’s skills to cope in various situations and increase their self-confidence by:
• finding answers to their questions or concerns together.
• talking to your child about how to ask for help and model what to say.
• asking your child’s Kindy teacher for ideas about how you can help your child to prepare or school
• talking through some “what will I do if….?” situations with your child, for example “what will I do if my yoghurt spills?”
Strengthen your child’s independence.
Before your child starts school, you can encourage independence by helping your child to practice:
• packing and carrying their own school bag
• putting on their shoes
• eating and drinking without help
• going to the toilet on their own
• using tissues to blow their nose
• recognising their belongings.
Daily routines
Daily routines can help children understand what they need to do, when to do it each day and why it’s important.
To help prepare your child for school, encourage a routine which includes:
• going to bed early
• waking up at a certain time and leaving plenty of time to get ready
• having a healthy breakfast needed for energy and concentration
• preparing and eating lunch
• making time for physical activities.
Packing a healthy lunch
When packing your child’s lunch:
• include them in making choices and helping you
• provide healthy and filling food in realistic quantities for morning tea and lunch
• make sure they can easily open wrapped items and their lunch box
• provide a variety of smaller items instead of 1 or 2 large items
• provide a water bottle every day and encourage your child to drink it.
A successful education depends on a positive partnership between yourself, your child and your child’s teacher. Enjoy the journey!
Mrs Sue Zweck, Head of Teaching and Learning K-5