Students in Action

Students in Action

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Year 12 and 2 Teddy Bear’s Picnic

This week, the Year 12 and Year 2 Buddies connected for the highly anticipated Teddy Bear’s Picnic.  It was lovely to see Year 12 students bring from home their childhood teddy bears and share their stories of when they were the same age as their Year 2 buddies. There will be another Year 12 and Year 2 Buddy connection in Week 10, Term 1 and many more opportunities across the year.

Year 12 Students Volunteer at Mooloolaba Triathlon

On Saturday 11th March, 25 Year 12 students volunteered their time to assist competitors at the 2023 Mooloolaba Triathlon. This wonderful tradition of serving the local community and in turn, raising money towards the Year 12 Graduation gift was enjoyed by all the students who attended.  This event would not occur without the ongoing organisation and support of Friends of Pacific, in particular Mrs Allyson Sarvari. There will be another opportunity for the Year 12 cohort to connect and serve the Pacific community in Term 2.

International PI Day and Academic Trivia, Week 10- led by the Academic Action Captains

On Tuesday, 14th March, students across Years 6-12 celebrated the irrational, transcendent and never-ending ratio that helps describe circles of all sizes (Exploratorium, 2023).  Students were given the opportunity to recite as many digits as possible for House points, that go towards the Hovey Family Academic Shield.  Year 12 students, Zeke and Joshua successfully recited 239 and 173 digits of pi.  The competition led and instigated by Academic Action Captains, Beyonce and Dan was a wonderful celebration of not only the day itself but of the incredibly talented students and their ability to create patterns and share their academic gift with others.  The Academic Captains will also host the Years 10-12 Academic Trivia, with the theme of Iconic Movie Groups on Monday 27th March, Week 10 after school.  Students are encouraged to enter their team at the Wellbeing Centre before Wednesday 22nd March.  Congratulations to the Academic Action Group for creating such engaging events.

Ms Leigh Finter, Head of Senior College Students