Library News

Library News

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Included in newsletter

This week in the library, students have been invited to cut out a yellow or blue heart and add their message of support to our display honouring Ukraine. This has resulted in lots of discussion and empathy about what is occurring overseas. On our craft days, our junior students made green shamrocks for St Patrick’s Day, as well as some very hungry caterpillars, and our senior students used washi tape to decorate their notebooks.

Overdue notices will be sent home this week. Please encourage your children to return their books before the end of term. Students may then borrow extra books for the holidays.

Author, Aleesah Darlison is hosting a book party at Little Book Nook in Palmwoods on Saturday, 2nd April to launch her new book Rusty the Rainbow Bird. See the attached flyer here for more details.

Ms Narelle Keen, Head of Library
