Creativity Sparks Joy and Possibility

Creativity Sparks Joy and Possibility

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When we are creative there is often a sense of deep joy.  Whether we are creating music, art, poetry, solving problems or finding connections in a novel way within any area of learning or life, there is a deep sense of joy in the discovery of the new. In every area of life where we bring a creative spirit there is fun and possibility. It is in our creative moments that we are most connected and engaged and have a strong sense of flow. Having the space to be creative is a strong part of the experience of every area of learning at Pacific, from Early Learning to Year 12 and in our life as a community. 

Creativity is one of the great gifts that God has given each one of us.  There is freshness and fullness to life when we create or appreciate other people’s creativity.  It is part of what makes us deeply human. Through creativity we often connect most strongly to people and the world. It is a space where God invites us to be in deep connection with Him.
