Innovation and Entrepreneurship Pitch Event

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Pitch Event

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At the end of Term 2, Pacific Lutheran was invited to select four Year 8 students to participate in an innovation and entrepreneurship pitch event.  The event was judged by several Sunshine Coast industry representatives.  The judging of the pitch was based on the student’s ability to:

  •    Identify a problem based on one or more of the UN Sustainable Development Goals  
  •   Demonstrate adherence to the lean startup process to identify a viable and innovative solution  
  •   Include a technology-driven Minimal Viable Product (MVP), and 
  •   Have a solution which is scalable 

Our students came up with an ingenious idea to have a device that was worn on the wrist to track the endorphin levels of the wearer. This device was called the Joy Watch.  Endorphins were identified by the students as being the trigger to maintain Good Health and Wellbeing which is the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal #3.  As 45% of the population will suffer from some form of depression at some point in their lives, the students felt that if they could track their endorphins, they could also starve off depression before it strikes. 

The Joy Watch reminded the wearer to laugh, eat endorphine enhancing foods, and volunteer or help others.  Every time a user does one of these things, they increase their tally.  The Joy Watch can connect with the users close friends, so they can keep tabs on their mental wellbeing. 

Our students presented their solution with confidence and were provided with great feedback to further develop their idea.  Events like this are invaluable for our students as they:

  • Provide an opportunity for students to demonstrate their learnings
  • Encourage development of 21st century skill sets  
  • Highlight the importance of study in Information Technology, regardless of possible future career choices  

This event was a partnership between local non-profits Startup STEAM and local industry, with support from the Sunshine Coast Council and endorsement by the ACS ICT Gateway to Industry Schools program. 

Mr Wesley Warner, Head of Department – Innovation, Entrepreneurialism and Business