Adapting to Change

Adapting to Change

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I think it would be fair to say that a lot can happen in a week. Reflecting on the past seven days, I have experienced a range of emotions and moods. Joy, wonder, disappointed, awe, tired, calm, grateful, proud, and optimistic are just some of the ways to describe the headspace I have been in the past week. I can only imagine how you and your young ones would have felt as we transitioned back to home learning for a short period of time. Importantly, it was the collective efforts of all; staff, families, and students that allowed us to adapt to change so seamlessly. The late theoretical physicist, Stephen Hawking, is credited with saying, “Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change,” and how apt this is to describe our community at this time. I thank all students for their perseverance, resilience, growth mindset, and intelligence to deal with the constancy of change. The following are comments made by students on their return when asked the question, “What did you enjoy most about home learning.”

“It was good. I enjoyed learning online.” Anonymous Yr. 8

“I can manage my time a lot better, I enjoyed brain breaks, they helped.” Anonymous Yr. 12

“I got to sleep in.” Anonymous Yr. 9

“I loved it – I liked the chance to get things done.” Anonymous Yr. 8

“…accustomed to it – it was smooth.” Anonymous Yr. 12

“It was alright; got lost at times. Got to sleep in. Easier to learn at school with the teachers.” Anonymous Yr. 10

Buran House

There has been, and will continue to be, a great deal of discussion, discernment, and of course excitement, surrounding the announcement of our new House, Buran, to join our existing three Houses of Bula, Mumba, and Wira. Students will have substantial opportunity to engage in dialogue as to the decision to be pioneers for Buran House. I look forward to walking alongside PCGs and families as these conversations are had. Likewise, please contact any one of the College’s Pastoral Care team, including Ms Finter, Mr Danzey, Mr Kersnovske, Mr Cummins, Pr Tim, or I, and indeed any of the PCG teachers if you have any questions.

Mr Ben Ryan, Director of Students