Congratulations Kaylee! 100m Women’s Backstroke Gold

Congratulations Kaylee! 100m Women’s Backstroke Gold

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It has been thrilling for our community to watch 2018 graduate, Kaylee McKeown achieve Olympic Gold and an Olympic record in the 100m women’s backstroke final after years of hard work. 

Her belief, courage, persistence and humility strengthened by strong support from her family and team have enabled her to compete and succeed at the highest level.  Just as Kaylee has been encouraged and inspired by Emily Seebohm, Pacific’s students and young people across the region and country are now being inspired by her.

Some of our students have their own photo with Kaylee and signed momento’s from her Commonwealth Games competition which were given to them by Kaylee to encourage them to dream big, believe and work hard.

Kaylee has always been a dignified, quietly determined, courageous and humble young woman who encouraged others and gave of her best whether in the pool or in the classroom.  We are all very proud of her and wish her all the best for her upcoming events.
