Seeing and Encouraging Best Selves
Seeing and Encouraging Best Selves
In some cultures, people greet each other by saying “I see you”. What a great welcome and gift. “I see you”. To really see someone means we let go of assumptions and really listen with our eyes, ears and hearts. We see each person as a whole person with unique gifts and needs.
Every day we influence and are influenced. We are created to live in community with each other and grow through our interactions. By letting go of assumptions and taking time to truly “see” the strengths that each person has and encouraging them to use them in their best possible way we create an environment where people flourish. Within communities we need people of different talents and strengths to be able to bring their best selves forward. By being an encourager who sees and celebrates strengths we grow capacity for ourselves and others.
In the Bible, Paul writes to different communities regularly advising them to encourage one another and build one another up. God’s sees the giftedness and the need for grace in each one of us. We can be refreshed, energised and renewed every day through his love and forgiveness. Refreshed, we are invited to let go of assumptions and to truly see, encourage and build others up.