Principal's Log
Principal's Log
We welcome everyone to the start of a new term. A particularly warm welcome to new students, their families and new staff. We welcome Mrs Lara Masselos and Mr Paul Brace who will respectively be teaching Visual Art and Media, Health and Physical Education and Science in the Middle and Senior College. Mrs Masselos brings industry experience in both the areas of art and film and television and Mr Brace offers extensive experience in leading and teaching in international schools. We also welcome Miss Melissa McNeill as the new Tuckshop Assistant and Ms Leigh Finter as the Acting Head of Senior College Students and Mr Josh Cummins as the Acting Head of Wira House. We wish these staff and all members of our community a fulfilling semester of learning and growth.
At the end of last semester, we had the pleasure of enjoying the talents of our music ensemble groups in a new café style format. Families appreciated the opportunity to relax and enjoy the food provided by our hospitality department while being entertained by the talent of our musicians. The students and music staff are to be congratulated on the breadth of style and quality of performance. We thank students and their families for their support. We thank our music staff, capably led by Mrs Aleisha Tuaine and Mrs Helen Williams and hospitality department for a thoroughly entertaining evening.
Later in the newsletter, and also via email we will be asking that families advise us of their desire to purchase laptops through the College for 2022. Our suppliers have advised that wait times of up to six months are likely to be in place for the delivery of laptops next year. We ask that all families who will be in Year 3 to 12 in 2022 read this information carefully and complete the accompanying survey so that we are able to place a reasonably accurate order in the next two weeks.
Over the holiday period, a letter that contained a summary of developments and advice about vaping was emailed to all parents. Parents are asked to read this letter to ensure they are informed and able to support their children to make the most of the opportunities within the College.
Parents have been invited to book for next week’s P-12 student, parent and teacher conferences via (P-5 code: r3yqh) (6-12 code: ez7eh). Families are encouraged to take this opportunity to have a three-way conversation that celebrates and strengthens learning.
We wish our Year 8 students and staff all the best as they embark on their outdoor education experience next week. This experience will provide rich opportunities for personal growth, strengthening of relationships and engagement with the environment.
Our 20th anniversary photo provides a wonderful reminder to celebrate the gifts that we have and to engage with open hands. May God equip us to gracefully embrace the fullness of each moment.
Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal