Year 5 Outdoor Education

Year 5 Outdoor Education

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Last week the Year 5s gathered with excitement ready for their Outdoor Education Program to PCYC Bornhoffen.  We travelled through storms on our journey south to arrive in the Gold Coast Hinterland to blue skies and sunshine.  With the theme of growth mindset in their thoughts, students split into groups and started their adventure.  In the stunning surrounds of the Numinbah Valley, students challenged their bodies as they hiked Mt Zimba, explored the aquatic insects that live in the creek, and then swam in the chilly blue yabby pool.  Students also challenged themselves to overcome their fears during the abseiling activity and had some recovery time as they created plaster masks of each other’s faces.

For many of the Year 5s this was their first night sleeping in a tent and enjoying the warmth around the night campfire.  Adventure and exploration of our natural surrounds were the vehicle for conversation about growth mindset.  Students explored what strategies we must cope with when we feel uncomfortable, when we’re feeling challenged and don’t feel like we can do it.  They also discussed how we can be good friends to each other, be supportive and push ourselves to try new things.  The weather was kind to us throughout the week and while there were many tired bodies at the end of the trip, there was a lot of growth and learning.

I would like to thank the Year 5 teachers Mrs Melanie Percival, Mrs Luanne Pollard and Mr Scott Crompton for their support and preparation of the students.  I would also like to thank Mrs Christine Dobson, Mrs Karen Vorster and the Outdoor Education facilitators for their calm and thoughtful contribution to the success of the week.  Finally, I would like to extend my thanks to Mr Damian Davis for his ongoing guidance, support and leadership in strengthening the Junior Outdoor Education programs.

Ms Kim Wood, Head of Outdoor Education