Care for Self, Others and the Environment

Care for Self, Others and the Environment

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Included in newsletter

Since its inception, Pacific has always prided itself as a community that cares. I have enjoyed being in many Junior College learning spaces where these concepts have been investigated by students. I have been proud of the way our students are wearing their uniform and caring for self. I have been involved in discussions with our Year 5 cohort about how we can engage in service learning to support others and I have witnessed multiple examples of students caring for our environment, taking responsibility of their belongings and collecting waste around the grounds. It shows that our students are leading by example and showing real agency in making our College a positive place to learn and grow in.

Parent Connectors

Last week I had the pleasure of attending the Friends of Pacific Annual General Meeting. Since its inception, the College's strength has been the engagement of the broader community in building and maintaining of culture. As we continue to grow and evolve as a College, we consistently reflect on how best to engage with parents, carers and grandparents in all College elements. Traditionally in Junior College, classes have had a parent representative. The consensus that was reached with the Friends of Pacific was that the reference points for parent reps be re-visited and, in the process, renamed as parent connectors with a primary role of supporting connection into the College community. These reference points are in the process of being finalised in conjunction with Friends of Pacific and further details surrounding how to be involved will be communicated in the near future.

Take care and God bless.

Mr Damian Davis, Head of Staff and Students P-5