Holy Communion Worship

Holy Communion Worship

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Monthly Worship with Holy Communion on Sunday 16th August

14 Bombala Terrace, Caloundra

All welcome!

Choice of times: 8.30am, 9.30am, or 10.30am. Under the current guidelines, there is a maximum of 35 people allowed at each service, which run for 45 minutes.

All safety precautions are being taken including hand sanitising, social distancing, recording of people attending and sanitising and cleaning of high-contact surfaces between services.

Bookings are essential and can be made at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/worship-with-holy-communion-16-august-2020-tickets-114127404138

Phone or text Janelle for assistance on 0488 556 150.

Alternatively, online worship resources can be found on Facebook or our website.

Pastor Ray Morris – 0429 856 532

Pastor Ray, St Mark’s Lutheran Church