Serving Through Being Present

Serving Through Being Present

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One of the important ways we can serve others is to be fully present. To really listen to someone is a great gift. To take the time and to still our own minds to fully connect with what is being said and unsaid by the other person, opens the opportunity for deep connection. This is particularly important in our fast paced, highly connected world. Creating time in relationships where we are free of distractions and fully present with one another enhances wellbeing. Building still presence into our daily lives enriches and affirms people that they are valued. Using routine times such as sitting together over meals or a coffee, walking the dog or listening when on breaks at school or work, enriches people deeply. It is a free but rare and precious gift.

God invites us to be still with Him in prayer. When we pray, we are invited to slow down our requests for change, to slow down our chattering minds, to listen to God’s words and feel His calming presence flow through us. Being fully present with God, creates opportunity for change from within.
