Get Ready Schools Competition

Get Ready Schools Competition

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Earlier this year, primary school students were urged to get creative and produce videos to encourage the community to be disaster ready as part of the Sunshine Coast’s Get Ready Schools Competition. As part of the Get Ready Queensland program, council developed the school competition so that young people are part of the conversation when it comes to disaster preparedness.

Students across Prep – Year 6 were encouraged to enter the competition and three of our students were announced as finalists. In May, their videos were played at the Sunshine Coast Emergency Services Community Expo. Congratulations to Alex Hentschel, Annie Hentschel and Isabella Lee!

Mrs Sue Zweck, Head of Teaching and Learning K-5

Champions for Change

Well done to the Foundation and Junior College who have raised just under $1000 for our water cooler, simply by cashing in our empty containers from our Containers for Change program. Following are some things we hope to action this term. Our container numbers have dropped so far this term. Which means we are making better consumer choices. So, to continue raising money, we will conduct a Community Collection of cans on the last Friday of each month. Just bring in your empty plastic bottles and aluminum cans and we will recycle them for you. Please keep an ear out for more information regarding what to do. We ask that NO glass be brought in. We want to encourage the Waste Warriors, all those kids who like us, believe that we need to keep all our rubbish in the bins and NOT on the ground. We will be providing gloves, hats and bags for students to use during lunchtimes. Nude lunches. This term we would like to trial nude lunches. Where you either pack your lunches using zero packaging or you take home all the packaging you produce. This will get us one step closer towards our goal of a BINLESS Junior College and a cleaner environment.

So, you just need to remember these three things:

  1. Containers for collection, the last Friday of each month – the first one will be tomorrow, Friday 26th July. No glass please. Click here to download our flyer.
  2. Waste Warriors – can collect gloves and bags from outside the Learning Enrichment room.
  3. Nude lunches – officially for the month of August, but why not start changing your habits, today!

Summer, Orly and Honey, Year 5 Champions for Change
