Pacific FC

Pacific FC

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U14 Cobras

It was a very chilly day for our 12th round last weekend. With Erin and Lachie missing the game, U13 Eel’s player Luke helped out to provide a sub. Last time we played the Chancellor Commandos in round 5, they scored 4 to our nil so we knew it would be a tough game. 

A very quick play from Zaida and Marley assisted Henry to score a goal nine minutes into play. Captain Will gave excellent direction and communicated throughout the game. As always Will ‘Stevo’ reacted to directions immediately for excellent play, assisted by speedster Caleb and the ever-solid Jake.

In the second half, you could feel the frustration and disappointment as the saved ball slid awkwardly from Alex’s hand to give a goal to Chancellor. A truly magnificent corner save later in the game had everyone (including the opposition) cheering and applauding his goal keeping skills. It was fabulous to see newcomer Ayla getting onto the ball and positionally directing her opposing player to allow Luca to take them out. Will was in amongst the action and Luke was here, there and everywhere.

Coach Ray was his usual positively enthusiastic self – pumping the Cobras with a pre-game huddle, lots of high-fives and his personalised game direction was on point.

Canteen - Round 12

Congratulations to Jimmy Allen from the Stingrays on winning the Round 12 canteen volunteer draw. Jimmy picks up the $50 Rebel Sport gift card simply for helping out! 

And...a huge thank you to Kirsty Ridley from the Swordfish for the most fabulous soccer ball cupcakes. We were so lucky to have a fully loaded treat shelf!

Away Games - This Saturday

Round 13 games are away this weekend. Please check the SCCSA website and Facebook page for any game cancellations due to the weather.

K3 Holiday Coaching Camp at Pacific

Book now for the K3 Coaching Holiday Camp at Pacific Lutheran College these school holidays. The camp will run from 1st - 3rd July and places are limited. Click here to book!

Mr Zane Russell, Pacific FC President
