You Can Do It
You Can Do It
This term, the focus for students across Years 1-5 is relationships while Prep students will focus on getting along and organisation. In all aspects of life and particularly in an educational context, positive relationships are fundamental in helping young people to be happy, successful and confident. The importance of these relationships cannot be over-emphasised.
Students will investigate the values of good character, measure and discuss character strengths, putting values into action, getting along with others, making friends, solving people problems and enhancing empathy. Resilience Project founder Hugh van Cuylenburg suggests that attaining empathy is rated along with gratitude and living in the present as being the three elements needed by individuals to be happy.
Parents can access information regarding the You Can Do It (YCDI) Program at: The YCDI program will also be highlighted in the Year 3 learning space on Open Day this Sunday.