Harmony Day

Harmony Day

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This week marks another significant event on the global calendar, Harmony Day. Following the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence and Pacific as a Peace Place last week, Harmony Day also aligns to the College’s core values. Harmony Day is a chance for us to celebrate cultural diversity and inclusiveness, which is particularly important following the events in Christchurch last week.

At the St Mark’s church service last week, Pastor Ray talked about the beauty of God’s unconditional love and what that means for us. At this time, we are reminded of the need for compassion, support and care for all people who we come into contact with. The College’s core values of Care, Dignity and Respect build a strong foundation for us in our interactions with each other and in the wider community. 

When reflecting on the events in Christchurch last week, it is apparent that even in the darkest of times, there is still hope. It is in these times when we see the resilience of humans and how we rally around each other in times of need. In the face of this tragedy we have heard heart-warming stories of support and harmony around the world. People of all faiths have united together to support one another and to stand as one in this great time of need. And, to me, this represents the true meaning of Harmony Day, and something (through the love of God) that Pacific embodies in all that we do.