Sun Safety
Sun Safety
Over the past two weeks at assembly, we have been revisiting our obligations as members of the College community regarding uniform expectations. Students are expected to wear their hats when travelling to and from the College. As well as having pride in our appearance, it is part of the College’s sun safe policy. We thank you for your support in this matter.
Australia has the dubious title of being the sun cancer capital of the world. Extensive research has shown that being sunburnt as a child, even as little as two times a year, triples the chance of developing skin cancer as an adult. As part as our sun safe policy, every classroom in the Junior College has sunscreen and students are encouraged to apply it before breaks and sport lessons.
As Sid the Seagull tells us, we need to:
- Slip on a t-shirt;
- Slop on sunscreen;
- Slap on a hat;
- Seek shade; and
- Slide on sun protection.