A big welcome from the Sport Department to our 2024 school year. We hope to see many of our students enjoying all the sport opportunities on offer at PLC this year.
Introduction Information
A lot of our initial sport information has been sent out over the last 2 weeks via TASS. This would have included an introduction letter with lots of information regarding sport at PLC, as well as some further correspondence about representative sport. A reminder, all sporting consent will be sent through Parent Lounge via TASS https://tass.pacluth.qld.edu.au/parentlounge. For new parents/carers of the College, information and scheduling for all sporting activities will be communicated via a program called “Clipboard”.
The weekly Compass will also be used to pass on information regarding upcoming sporting opportunities and events, as well as competitive sport results, updates and celebrations of student sporting achievements. Please don’t hesitate to let us also know if your student had achieved highly in an outside school sport event and we will endeavour to acknowledge them in the weekly Compass.
Competitive Sport
Students will have the opportunity to sign-up and participate in a number of competitive sport teams throughout the year. These teams play outside of school hours, generally on a weekday afternoon/early evening. We encourage all students to play in at least one competitive sport team per semester to maximise their engagement (and enjoyment) within the school community (as a plus, they will have a lot of fun). All competitive sport sign-ups are done online via the Clipboard link which is available to students on the 7-12 Sport NAV Page. If there are any issues with signing up, they should contact a member of the Sport Department.
Students in competitive teams will be provided with playing shirts/singlets/jerseys throughout the year. It is important to note that these are on loan to students just for the duration of the season and need to be returned at the conclusion of the season. A fee may be charged to any students/families who fail to return their uniforms at the completion of their competition.
Weekly Friday Sport
Each week students from Years 7-12 will participate in sporting activities on a Friday afternoon. These activities range from competitive sport training to sport development sessions for upcoming competitive sports, and sport for life options which provide students with a variety of physical activity and movement opportunities. Friday sport is a great opportunity for students to actively engage in physical activity through a lens of their choice. Friday sport times are as below.
Year 11-12 Sport: 12.15-1.15pm
Year 7-10 Sport: 1.45-3.15pm
Swimming Carnival
Inter-House Swimming Carnival

All students will have an opportunity to be in the pool and get points for their house on the day.
ALL students must:
- be at their allocated meeting places (TBC) by 8.25am on the morning of the event
- attend and are encouraged to swim (where possible)
- wear correct house uniform and swimmers as outlined in this letter
- return on buses in completely dry clothes
- not be on mobile devices on buses or throughout the day at the pool
- swim in house coloured swim caps (provided on the day) for all events
- students are encouraged to dress up (zinc, costumes, etc) but must do this once they arrive at school
A full program with further details will be sent to parents prior to the carnival.
District Swimming Carnival: Online Nomination of Times
Students who are keen to trial for the district are to nominate online. They will be required to provide their times for each of the particular races they are nominating for. Any student who wishes to compete in a 200m race or is requesting an exemption must have a proof of their time. More information regarding online nominations has been sent out. Students should contact Lisa Muir if they have any questions – lmuir@pacluth.qld.edu.au
SCISSA Sport Term 1
Students in Year 7-12 also have had the opportunity to pick a competitive sport for Term 1 and represent PLC in either Year 11-12 Volleyball or Year 7-10 Soccer in the Sunshine Coast Independent School Sports Association. Interested students need to ensure they are signed up via the Clipboard link which was sent out through email and put on the 7-12 NAV page. Students who have signed up by Monday 29th January will be placed into teams. Information regarding the season and a request for consent will be sent out via TASS next week. Games schedules will be able to be accessed through Clipboard when the draw is released.
PLC Basketball Academy (Term 1 and 2)
The Academy is an invitation only program suited to Higher level Representative players or those talent identified as having the potential to be a high-level Representative player i.e., Sunshine Coast Rep. This selection process is completed by Mr. Burdon in conjunction with PLC Basketball Coaches and Sport staff.
School Sport Pathway (trials throughout Term 1 and 2)
10-12 Boys and Girls (1st Feb)
13-16 Boys and Girls (2nd Feb)
17-19 Boys and Girls (Direct to region)
Students should see Mrs. Muir to nominate for these trial opportunities.
Sunshine Coast All Schools Basketball (Term 3 and 4)
Nomination process for “Competitive Basketball” commences during Term 2 so students should read notices and emails. In 2023 we entered 15 teams in this competition and all levels of athlete can be catered for. Athlete’s for CBSQ (State Championship) teams as well as the following years Basketball Academy are typically identified throughout this competition.
Information has been sent out recently to Year 7 and 8 students and families regarding sign up and trialling for the Monday night netball season beginning on Monday the 19th of February. Please note that the trial date for Year 7 and 8 girls netball is Wednesday the 24th of January (Week 1). Netball trials will be held on the back PLC Courts from 3.30pm - 4.30pm. Please email netball coordinator Michelle Dufty (mdufty@pacluth.qld.edu.au) if you have any questions.
All other year level students will be meeting their coaches over the next few weeks and getting organised with a training schedule. Players will be advised when to collect a playing dress from the Sport Office. Game schedules will be able to be accessed through NAV calendar and Clipboard when the draw is released.
Keen rugby students will have the opportunity to participate in Representative Rugby Tours/Tournaments in Term 1. These events include the Fraser Coast Rugby 7s tournament and the Armidale Rugby Tour.
Tournament details are below:
Fraser Coast Rugby 7's (u13 Boys, u15 Boys and Girls, Opens Boys and Girls)
Date: 22nd March
Armidale Rugby (u12 Boys, u14 & u16 Girls)
Dates: 12-14th April
Students need to register their interest via the Clipboard link which can be accessed through the 7-12 Sport NAV Page. Interested students will have information and a request for consent sent home to parents via TASS. Nominations need to be in before the 29th of January and the 9th of February for Armidale and Fraser Coast respectively.
Extra Sport Opportunities separate to SCISSA
Monday night Netball (see Netball information above)
Fraser Coast and Armidale (see Rugby information above)
Trish Buckley Volleyball
Years 10-12. Friday night competition starting in week 5. Sign-ups via Clipboard.
Run Club
This is focused around getting students engaged with running with a focus to help their cross-country times. This runs for the entirety of Semester 1 on Tuesday mornings at 7.00am. The first session will be Tuesday of Week 3 (February 6th). If students are interested, they are to sign-up via clipboard by Wednesday Week 2.
Student Acknowledgements
Each week we aim to celebrate outstanding student achievement in their sporting pursuits, both inside and outside school sport. If you have information on outstanding achievement, don’t hesitate to contact us.
13-19 years District Trials Information

Should you have any questions about district trials. Please contact Lisa Muir. See below for her email.
Mr Liam Jacka, Acting Head of Sport