School Holiday Career Exploration
The school holidays are just around the corner, so it is an excellent opportunity to recharge. With less focus on academic and extracurricular pursuits, it is also a great time to reflect and reset for the new year. While you reflect and reset, it is a great time to undertake some career exploration. There are several great ways to undertake this exploration over the summer break.
• Work Experience – Arrange to spend the day with someone already on the job at their workplace or perhaps develop a list of questions and interview them via phone or online. Some students have arranged a work experience and will spend a week or two with an employer exploring their future careers.
• Investigating courses by visiting institutions and talking to providers about their courses. Many Universities and RTOs run campus tours over the holidays. For example:
QIMR Berghofer | Holiday Science Experience: December 5th 2023
Looking to get a taste of what it’s like working in a medical research laboratory? QIMR Berghofer hosts a one-day science experience program during the school holidays each year. Students can undertake a day of training in practical skills related to genetics, infectious disease or blood biology in our purpose-built education laboratory facilities. The program is open to Queensland high school students in years 10, 11 or 12 and is free to attend.
Find out more here.
• Getting a casual job or volunteering in your job of interest
• Do an online course or undertake virtual work experience – There are great online work experience opportunities available, starting with Free Virtual Work Experience Programs from Top Companies - Forage (
• Careers websites offer an alternative way of exploring options. Pacific Lutheran College, in partnership with Study Work Grow, gives you access to Pathways Guides, Weekly Career and Higher Education News and a range of helpful tools, including a Resume Builder and Goal Generator.
To activate your free membership, scan the QR code below, choose your preferences and keep an eye on your inbox for weekly opportunity-packed newsletters for PLC parents and students.

Change of Preference for Students Applying for University in 2024
When you submitted your University Applications, we recommended you list your dream course(s) first, some more realistic options next, and one safe option last. This approach increased the odds of receiving at least one offer in the main round. Listing the maximum possible preferences on your applications is also a good strategy, giving you the best opportunity to receive at least one offer – or maybe more.
Sometimes, along the way, your circumstances change, and there are lots of reasons why you might like to change your preference:
- Your ATAR was better than you expected
- Your ATAR wasn’t as good as you had hoped for, and you’d like to ensure you get offers
- You have had a change of heart about the ideal course or the best university for you
- You’ve discovered a course you didn’t know about when you applied
- You’ve been advised that the prerequisites for a course you had on your list have changed
- The university has dropped the course you applied for
- You’re reviewing your application, and you realise that you didn’t put your preferences in the right order
If you’re happy with your preferences, stick with them – there’s no such thing as ‘wasting’ a good ATAR. You might feel pressured into thinking you should change your list, particularly if your friends are talking about changing theirs and cut-off dates are coming up. But take a minute and spend some time researching any changes you’re thinking of making and be sure you’re making the changes for all the right reasons.
If you want to know more, lots of unis hold information days and expos around the change of preference time. It’s a great chance to get in touch and ask any questions you might have about your application. You can still contact them by phone, email, or online if they’re not holding any events.
Griffith | Explore Your Options
Thursday 14th December to Friday 22nd December, 2023
Whatever your ATAR result, we’re here to help you make the most of it. Whether your ATAR wasn’t what you expected, or you’ve decided to change your direction, our expert study advisers will be on hand to give you the advice you need.
Find out more here.
ACU | Change of Preference Tours – Brisbane Campus
Thursday 14th December to Saturday 16th December, 2023
Explore ACU’s Brisbane Campus and discuss your study options by booking a guided campus tour with our friendly staff. Tours are available at 1.00pm, 2.00pm and 3.00pm AEST.
Find out more here.
CQUni | Change of Preference Online Chat
Friday 15th December, 2023
Didn’t get the ATAR you need or changed your mind about what course you want to study in 2024? We’re here to help!
All you need to do is head over to Facebook Messenger and send us a message during our Change of Preference event and you’ll receive real-time answers to all your questions. Alternatively, you can call us on 13 27 86 to speak directly to a student adviser.
Speak with our expert team and discover your options at our Change of Preference event on Friday, 15 December at 9am AEST. Get guidance on how to change your preferences and learn more about CQUni’s alternative pathways.
Find out more here.
QUT | Real Decisions
Friday 15th December, 2023
If you’re planning to study in 2024, it’s time to finalise your decision. Whatever your ATAR or selection rank, there are many options available to you.
Join us for the Real Decisions Webinar for:
- advice about admission pathways to your preferred course including QUT College diplomas
- tips about ordering QTAC preferences and responding to offers
- advice about guaranteed entry
- information about study costs and support services
- Q&A with current QUT students about their uni experience and how best to manage your studies.
The information provided in this webinar is for domestic students considering undergraduate study.
Find out more here.
UniSQ | 2024 Study Options
Saturday 16th December, 2023
Finished year 12 and reassessing your study options after receiving your ATAR? Perhaps you’ve been in the workforce for some time, and are now considering upskilling or retraining in 2024?
Register now to visit us at our new UniSQ Brisbane location and speak to our helpful staff about your study options.
Find out more here.
UQ | ATAR Advice Online Event
Sunday 17th December, 2023
Wondering what to do after you get your ATAR? Whether you’re seeking advice, information, or simply some reassurance, we can help. We’ll answer all your questions related to ATAR at our free ATAR Advice online event.
Receiving your ATAR can be exciting, nerve-wracking and even confusing. Understandably, you may have questions about what to do next. Year 12 students and their parents and/or guardians can attend our ATAR Advice online event to:
- live chat one-on-one with staff and current students
- understand your options if your ATAR is higher or lower than expected
- get personalised advice on the best pathway to UQ for you
- find out how to change your QTAC preferences, and how to respond to an offer
- explore our world-class facilities through virtual campus tours.
Find out more here.
For students that require a careers consult once ATAR results are released on 15th December 2023 and prior to change of preference cut-off 18th December 2023, please email
Mrs Veronica Sanmarco, Head of Career Development