Compass No 693 - August 2023

From the Principal

Building, One Step At A Time

As we build on feedback, it is important to take a long-term view and plan for improvement one step at a time. As we plan for and take each step and celebrate its achievement, we gain momentum. Encouraging each other to build from where we find ourselves, whether we find ourselves at the low or high end of the scale in any endeavour or relationship, means we are bringing thoughtfulness, possibility, humility and a solution or growth focus into our reflections. Within our families, friendships and groups we can build together by calmly recognising where we find ourselves, encouraging the next step and celebrating its achievement. Through this, we learn to build on both strengths and weaknesses and strengthen both individual and collective capacity and relationships.

Throughout the Bible, there is the encouragement to speak in a way that builds others up according to their need. This causes us to be mindful of the power of our words and to put the best construction on what we see, hear or observe. Patience, compassion and forgiveness are often key ingredients in promoting growth.  

Principal's Log

This week families in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 will have or be receiving their individual NAPLAN reports through the post and will have received an explanatory email from either Mrs Jo Belchamber or Mrs Sue Zweck.  In their email, Mrs Zweck and Mrs Belchamber explain the new reporting structure of the reports which now includes indications of whether students are exceeding, strong, developing or need additional support for each element of the test. Once again, our students have performed well with all cohorts performing above state means in all aspects of the test and in a number of cases well above, with many students achieving at the strong and exceeding level in all cohorts. As a College, we use this data along with other data to reflect on individual and cohort performances. For families, reflection that includes the feedback from assessments, reports, parent-teacher conferences and the NAPLAN reports will assist in planning for the next steps of growth.

We congratulate our indoor netball teams who all performed well at the Indoor Netball Northern Region Tournament.  Three out of the four teams made the grand final and the Year 11/12 and Year 8/9 teams won their final. Congratulations to all players and thank you to our coaches Mrs Michelle Dufty, Mrs Mel Pietrala and Ms Emma Frohmuller for supporting the students so well at this event and throughout the season.

We congratulate our music students who have made a strong start to the Sunshine Coast Junior Eisteddfod in both their individual and ensemble groups. A special mention to our Junior String Ensemble who placed first and our Senior String Ensemble who placed third. This is an outstanding achievement and we congratulate all of our music students for their growth in their performance skills. We also congratulate and thank instrumental teachers, Head of Instrumental Music Mrs Helen Williams, Acting Head of Music, Mr Paul Cusick and Ms Krist-Elle Hill for their leadership of our musicians.

It was great to feel the energy and excitement of our Year 7 and 8 students and their parents as they connected with teachers as part of their subject expo earlier this week. The richness and diversity of subject offerings inspired both students and parents. We thank our teachers for their time in the development of these rich learning experiences and in connecting with parents at the expo. We thank Head of Learning Middle College, Mrs Jo Belchamber for her leadership.

Final preparations are underway for our One World OCEANfest which celebrates the diversity of people and the wonder of our environment.  It promises to be a great evening.  We encourage families to support their year level leaders through volunteering assistance in the lead up to and in the manning of the stalls on the evening. Families can also support through the sharing and purchasing of tickets in the raffle which has great prizes to be won.

We look forward to connecting with our Grandparents and friends tomorrow and pray that God would equip and guide us to be people who build others through our words and actions.

Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal

From the College Chaplain

Positive Family Communication

Therefore, each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbour, for we are all members of one body… Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen…. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.                                                                                                                   

(Selected verses from Ephesians 4:25-32)

In a world where technology and busy schedules often consume our lives, the importance of positive family communication cannot be overstated. This week’s devotional thread centres around this concept and Ephesians 4:25-32 is a good guide to how we can nurture strong, loving and successful relationships within our families, centred around understanding and grace. In his message to the Ephesians, Paul highlights ways in which we can communicate effectively with each other, which honour both us and God, in all that we do.

As I read through this bible verse, I was struck with a realisation of how inept I am at abiding by what we are instructed to do here. How often have I spoken negatively about someone else? How many times have I used harsh words to put someone down instead of building them up? How often have I then, as a result of this, hurt God with my actions?

The tongue (and in effect, the words that come out of our mouths) is the hardest thing for us to control. It is so easy for us all to be negative and speak words of hurt, rather than words of encouragement to others. There are many verses throughout the bible that speak directly to this, challenging us to communicate in only positive ways. One of my favourite verses hits me hard every time: “Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise” (Proverbs 17:28).

Disagreements and conflicts will always be present in our lives, but that is not an excuse for us to use hurtful words or actions. But this is always easier said than done and is counter-intuitive to how we naturally want to respond. However, Paul’s message to us is clear: if God forgives us for all that we have done to Him, then we will do well to do the same to others.

This can be a tough pill to swallow, but in the end, Christ’s example of forgiveness and grace allows us to learn how to let go and show that grace to others – just the way God wants us to.

PLC Youth Group

Throughout the year, we have been running a PLC Youth Group on Sunday evenings. This is a time for students to come together for connection, food, spiritual discussion and activities in a welcoming a friendly setting. It is open to anyone from Years 6 to 12 and all students are invited to attend. Usually, there is a small cost each night to cover the cost of a small meal as well. Youth will run fortnightly throughout the rest of the year (see dates below).

If you would like to be involved, families must have registered permission via the parent lounge initially, and then need to sign up each fortnight via the “clipboard” app. Information about Youth Group will be communicated to all families in the week leading up to each session via email and student notices. We would love to see you there!

Youth night date claimers (5.00pm – 7.00pm on Sunday evenings):

Term 3:

Sunday 13th August

Sunday 27th August

Sunday 10th September

Term 4:

Sunday 22nd October

Sunday 5th November

Sunday 19th November

Mr Mark Hauser, College Chaplain

From the Head of Middle College


Recognizing and celebrating the strengths of others is something that can transform a community. When we take the time to notice the talents in our peers, teachers, and family members, we empower them to blossom and recognize their own potential.

It all begins with simple acts of kindness and appreciation. A warm smile, a sincere compliment, or a few words of encouragement can work wonders in brightening someone's day and boosting their self-esteem. These simple but powerful acts can have a ripple effect in our community that we see in classrooms, playgrounds, staffrooms, sporting fields and community events.

We must encourage open dialogue and active listening. When we lend an ear to others, we gain insight into their unique experiences, passions, and struggles. Engaging in empathetic conversations allows us to identify the strengths that others may not even be aware of within themselves. As we exchange stories and ideas, we learn from one another and grow together, creating a powerful support system that extends far beyond the walls of our classrooms.

Knowing our strengths allows us to prioritize tasks and responsibilities according to our capabilities, thereby enhancing productivity and time management. When we focus on activities that align with our strengths, we not only perform better but also find greater satisfaction and fulfilment in our daily endeavours. Understanding our strengths fosters self-awareness and self-confidence, empowering us to make well-informed decisions and tackle obstacles with resilience and determination.

For those interested in discovering and understanding their unique character strengths, I highly recommend taking the VIA Character Strengths survey. You can access the survey by clicking on the following link: VIA Character Strengths Survey.

Identifying our individual character strengths can be a transformative tool in managing our busy lives. As we navigate through the demands of academics, extracurricular activities, and personal commitments, it is easy to become overwhelmed and lose sight of our core values and abilities. By taking the VIA survey, we gain valuable insights into our strengths, enabling us to leverage them effectively to tackle challenges and achieve our goals.

Identifying strengths in others becomes more accessible when we recognize them within ourselves. As we practice appreciation and voicing strengths, we create a positive feedback loop in our interactions with friends, family, and classmates. This culture of mutual support and encouragement further strengthens our community and provides an additional layer of support during challenging times.

Together, as a united school community, let us celebrate our individuality and lift each other up, recognizing that our strengths are not just personal assets but valuable contributions to Pacific Lutheran College as a community of care.

Mr Brett Kersnovske, (Acting) Head of Middle College Students

From the Head of Learning K-5

NAPLAN Student Reports 2023

NAPLAN reports have been mailed to families in Years 3,5,7, and 9.

New proficiency standards have been introduced to NAPLAN reports in 2023. This reporting replaces the previous numerical NAPLAN reporting bands and national minimum standards. Education ministers agreed that 2023 was the right time to introduce this change alongside moving NAPLAN to March. Proficiency standards provide clear information on student achievement. They are set at a challenging but reasonable level expected for the child at the time of NAPLAN testing, based mainly on what has been taught in previous years of schooling.

There are 4 proficiency levels:

• Exceeding: The student’s result exceeds expectations at the time of testing.

• Strong: The student’s result meets challenging but reasonable expectations at the time of testing.

• Developing: The student’s result indicates that they are working towards expectations at the time of testing.

• Needs additional support: The student’s result indicates that they are not achieving the learning outcomes expected during testing. They are likely to need additional support to progress satisfactorily.

What NAPLAN assesses has stayed the same. Page 4 of the individual student report provides a more detailed summary of what students know and can do within each of the proficiency levels. Further information is available at

The NAPLAN report shows a proficiency scale for each assessment area (numeracy, reading, writing, spelling and grammar and punctuation) with a student’s result shown as a black dot on the scale. The report continues to show each child’s achievement against the national average for their year (shown as a black triangle) and the range of achievement for the middle 60% of students in their year level (shown as a light-shaded rectangle).

NAPLAN is the only national assessment that all Australian children undertake. It helps:

• teachers to better identify students who need greater challenges or extra support

• schools to identify strengths and areas of need in teaching programs

• schools to set goals in literacy and numeracy

• school systems to review programs and support offered to schools.

 NAPLAN also provides nationally comparable data to help governments evaluate how education programs are working and whether students are meeting important literacy and numeracy standards.

Mrs Sue Zweck, Head of Teaching and Learning K-5

From the Head of Learning Enrichment

Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) 2023

Schools in Australia participate annually in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about support provided to students with disability. Please find the Principal’s letter to parents and carers about the national data collection here.

What is the NCCD?

The Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD) takes place every year.

The NCCD is a collection that counts:

• the number of school students receiving an adjustment due to disability

• the level of adjustment they are receiving to access education on the same basis as other students.

Students are counted in the NCCD if they receive ongoing adjustments at school due to disability.

How does the NCCD assist schools?

The NCCD prompts schools to identify students with disability and to review their processes and practices. It records the adjustments already undertaken in school to support students with disability to access and participate in education on the same basis as their peers.

To know more click on these links:

Parent Factsheet:

The NCCD Infographic

What do Parents, Guardians or Caregivers of students with disability need to know?

Watch an insightful video here.

For more information, please contact the LEC.

Mrs Chantal McAllister, Head of Learning Enrichment

Career Development News

Careers News

Appointments with Wanda Hayes are available now

Wanda Hayes is continuing to make herself available to meet with students and parents on Thursday afternoons each week until the new Head of Career Development is in place. She is also available for Zoom appointments on Saturdays.

You can access Wanda’s calendar to book appointments directly – please click here to access the calendar. If you have any problems booking an appointment, please email Wanda at


Monash Information Evening – Apply from Interstate – QLD (Year 11 and 12)

August 8th, 2023

We know that choosing a university is a big decision, especially if you don’t live in Melbourne. Monash Information Evenings are the perfect opportunity to have your questions answered on everything you wanted to know about undergraduate study at Monash.

You’ll hear about:

•          our 10 diverse study and discipline areas

•          undergraduate course types, such as our comprehensive and specialist courses, double degrees and pathway programs

•          international opportunities including study abroad and overseas tours

•          how to apply – everything you need to know about VTAC, key dates and deadlines

•          scholarships and fees

•          Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) and the Monash Guarantee

•          accommodation options, both on and off campus.

At the conclusion of the information seminar, you’ll have the opportunity to join a breakout room and chat with staff from your area of interest. Find out more here.


UniSC Headstart information evening (Years 10 and 11)

Students and their parents are invited to UniSC’s Headstart Information Evening where we’ll take them through everything they need to know to about the program.

Now also available to Year 10 students enrolling in Semester 2, Headstart gives students in Years 10 – 12 the chance to start uni in high school, giving them a real university experience and setting them up for their future.

Students will study first-year uni subjects and receive credit to take time off their degree.

UniSC will cover the cost of the first course and additional courses are only $400, so your students will also save money on their full degree.

Event details:

UniSC Moreton Bay: Tuesday 5th September, 4.30pm – 6.00pm

UniSC Sunshine Coast: Thursday 7th September, 4.30pm – 6.00pm

Online via Zoom: Tuesday 12th September, 5.30pm – 6.30pm

Who should attend:

Students in Years 10 – 11, parents and secondary school staff.

Register your spot here.


The Open Day Planner is here! (Years 10-12)

University Open Days are always exciting, and there are so many across Australia each year, so the folk at Study, Work, Grow have brought all 71 of them together into one planner for you.

This 5th edition planner is sorted by month to make it easy to browse and schedule your Open Day visits. There is at least one in SE Qld nearly every weekend for the next couple of months, so think carefully about how you will attend all the Open Days you are interested in.

Download the Open Day Planner here.


Welcome to TAFE Queensland Open Days! (Years 9 -12)

Engage with our knowledgeable instructors and explore facilities across our campuses during our upcoming open days on September 12th – 14th

Join us for a day filled with activities, workshops, and valuable information about our campuses, study areas and facilities. This is an opportunity for the students to explore an extensive selection of course options and discover the educational path that will propel them towards a successful future.

Students in Years 9, 10, 11 and 12, and parents are invited to attend. Click this link to register today.

Mooloolaba Campus: Tuesday 12th September 9.30am – 2.00pm

Nambour Campus: Tuesday 12th September 9.30am – 2.00pm

Gympie Campus: Wednesday 13th September 9.30am – 2.00pm

Bundaberg Campus: Thursday 14th September 9.30am – 2.00pm

Click here to register.


Saturday 19th August – ADFA Open Day (Years 10-12)

Are you looking at tertiary education options and also interested in joining the Navy, Army or Air Force? The Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA) welcomes you to explore a unique university offering at the 2023 ADFA Open Day!

If you can’t make it to the in-person Open Day in Canberra, you will still have access to the Virtual ADFA Open Day where you will:

• Hear from ADFA Commandant, Jules Adams, as well as current trainee officers, alumni, and UNSW staff about life and studying at ADFA;

• Explore UNSW degrees, with Information Sessions on Arts, Business, Engineering & Computing, and Science;

• Participate in the Defence Jobs Instagram Q&A with current trainee officers, so they can get their questions answered;

• Take a tour of the campus and much more!

Click this link for more information.


Mrs Wanda Hayes, Head of Career Development

Friends of Pacific

OCEANfest One World 2023

OCEANfest Unlimited Ride Passes, Currency & Pre-Ordered Cheese boxes

OCEANfest is quickly approaching and we are excited to share this evening with our wonderful community. All are welcome! We hope you’ve all purchased your ride passes and currency and are ready to come and enjoy what is sure to be a great event!

Unlimited RIDE PASSES - $40pp  

5 hours of unlimited rides – Skater, Cups, Dodgem Cars, Sizzler, Round Up, Super Flyer, Giant & Rock Wall.

Oceanfest Currency and order your Cheese box via flexischools or via this link.

Here are step-by-step instructions on how to purchase ride passes if you are a 'Friend of Pacific'.


OCEANfest Helpers – Online Roster

OCEANfest is quickly approaching and we are excited to share this evening with our wonderful community. We hope you’ve all purchased your ride passes and currency and are ready to come and enjoy what is sure to be a great event!

We are so grateful to our amazing Stall Leaders who are working hard behind the scenes to bring you some great stalls! They are going to need some assistance on the day, from set up to manning the stall during the evening and to pack down, and we’d love for you to help!

If you can spare an hour or two at our stalls, we would really appreciate it!

Click here to sign up to be an OCEANfest helper.

All helpers need to wear enclosed shoes. Your Stall Leader will run through some safety instructions relating to your stall before the event.

We appreciate any time you’re able to give to ensure the success of our OCEANfest stalls. If you have any questions, please contact Friends of Pacific at


PLC families are invited to donate baked goods that could add variety to this year's One World theme. Cake boxes are available to collect from our Main Reception and Prep Classrooms. All baked items must have ingredients labelled.

Pop on the aprons PLC and let's get whisking.


There are 22 fantastic prizes to be WON!!! We thank those businesses and individuals from our community for donating towards our OCEANfest 2023 Galactic Raffle.

Raffles tickets are $5 each! Raffle prizes will be drawn on the night of OCEANfest, Friday 18th August 2023.

Purchase your raffle tickets here.

Winners do not need to be present. Winners will be contacted by phone or email after the draw.

Funds raised from our raffle will be invested back into the College community.

Follow the OCEANfest Facebook  - Here you will find further details on our wonderful raffle prizes, sneak peak of products for sale and celebrate the generosity and support of our PLC community!

Thank you all for your support.

Samantha Barrass, PLC Community Liaison and Communications Coordinator

Carly Lovell, Friends of Pacific Chairperson

College News

Sweet Sweet Music

The string ensembles continue to grow and this has been rewarded with great results.  On Monday the Junior Strings played beautifully to come away with the top prize to win the Junior Large Ensemble and the Senior Strings came away with third place on Sunday in the Large Ensemble section. Congratulations to all competitors and I look forward to sharing more results as they come in.

Whilst the Sunshine Coast Junior Eisteddfod is still in full swing for another couple of weeks, we have had some success already! There have been several students present solos and duets and have represented PLC impeccably.  Shauntel Pollocks gained third place in the 13yrs and under Woodwind category, playing a flute solo with a broken arm! Jessica C also achieved a highly commended in the same category! Hayley K (Year 11) should be congratulated for achieving third place in the highly competitive 16- 18yrs Woodwind championship section.

This Thursday the New Zealand Band will perform their final concert to their parents as they enjoy an evening of music and reminiscing over a slide show of the tour. Looking forward to seeing everyone back together.

Friday morning will see lots of our ensembles perform in the Pacific Gym for the annual Grandparents Day concert – good luck to all!

Date Saver: - Senior Ensembles Concert – Thursday 14th September.

Mrs Helen Williams, Head of Instrumental Music (P-12)

Year 1 Experience to the Caboolture Historical Village

Last Friday 28th July, Year One students participated in an amazing excursion to the Caboolture Historical Village to explore what life was like in the past.

Our day started with parade in front of the old school building, where we sang God Save the King as we raised the flag and stood to attention!  Then, we participated in demonstrations of how washing was done in the old days and how a blacksmith made all sorts of useful tools out of metal.  A tour of the pumps and engines shed showed us how early machinery was used to pump water, grind grain and generate electricity.  We even saw a machine that cut and buttered bread!  A highlight of the morning was our train ride through the park, where we were held up at gunpoint by bush rangers.  Luckily, the driver handed over the cash box and we did not have to join the bush rangers for a lunch of rat sandwiches!

After lunch, we were free to explore the many old buildings in the village, including a hospital, a school, a police station, a post office, a general store, a butcher, a barber’s shop, many different types of houses and lots of other types of buildings.

It was an awesome day of fun and learning and we now have a much better idea of how life and technology have changed over time.  Thank you to our teacher aides for helping on the day.

Mrs Leonie Prout, Mrs Sharon Hooper, Mrs Lara Stiller, Year One Teachers

Sport News

Year 7-12 Sport

Competitive Sport News

Indoor Netball Queensland Northern Region Tournament

Congratulations to our 4 PLC representative netball teams who competed in the Indoor Netball Queensland Northern Region Tournament last Thursday and Friday. We had tremendous success with 3 out of the 4 teams making the Grand Final in their divisions. Our 9/10 girls competed well in their final and went down in a tough match to come runners-up. Congratulations to the Yr 11/12 Girls and the Yr 7/8 Girls for their strong wins to take out their finals. Special mentions go to Yasmin Lincoln and Remy Hammond for being awarded MVP of the finals. PLC’s strong efforts also saw them be named the top school of the tournament. This tournament concluded the 7-12 Competitive Netball season. Thank you to Mrs Michelle Dufty, Mrs Mel Pietrala and Emma Frohmuller for working with the students for the duration of the tournament.

Sunshine Coast Secondary Schools Basketball

Best week of the season so far for our PLC Basketball teams. A big win for the Senior A Girls has pushed them into the top 4 and a likely playoff spot, while the Senior B Boys remain undefeated atop of their table. The Intermediate E and G-League Boys have also moved into the top 4 in their respective competitions.

A reminder to all players to regularly check their NAV calendar for draw updates. A huge thank you from Mr. Burdon to those people who have been proactive in early communication with their coaches about their ability to play on Friday nights.

Finally, good luck to the CBSQ Girls team who compete in the Wildcard Challenge next week in the hope to become the first PLC girls’ team to qualify for the State Championships.

Touch Football

On Sunday, we had 3 teams represent PLC at the Sunshine Coast All Schools Carnival at Caboolture. Our Open girls had been working together for some time with Mr Danzey and did a great job in quite a tough pool, peppered with Touch Football excellence schools. This was the first tournament for our U15s Boys and Girls teams, and with only a few of the students actually being 15, our students did a great job of building team cohesion and applying their skills throughout the day. We hope that the students learned a lot from the experience and can apply this knowledge in the remaining SCISSA Touch Football season. Thank you to Mr Danzey and Mr West for their time working with the teams for training and going to the carnival on Sunday. Thank you also to Mrs Costa for supporting the teams on the day.

Girls Rugby 10 aside

Congratulations to our U14 Girls who continued to go from strength to strength with their rugby performance this week. Their first game against Sienna proved a challenge, coming up against some strong individual players. The girls continued to build momentum throughout the game, showing a strong performance in the second half. Unfortunately, they went down 15-5.

Their second game against Sunshine Coast Grammar gave the girls the opportunity to demonstrate their exceptional playing skills. The girls posted a dominant performance, defeating Grammar a whopping 32-5. I look forward to the girls continuing to grow and develop their playing ability over the coming weeks.

SCISSA Touch Football

Well done to our PLC Touch Teams for a strong round of games this week with 4 out of 7 wins. Our Junior Girls Team 2 and Senior Girls Team 1 played against some quality opposition and competed well in tough matches. Our Intermediate Girls Team 1 were competitive in their fixture but could not find the answers in defence for some strong offence. Congratulations to our Junior Girls Team 1, Junior Boys Teams 1 and 2 and Intermedia Girls Team 2 for very strong wins in their fixtures. We hope the Senior Boys enjoyed their week off and are ready to compete in Round 4.

District Athletics Reminder

Thank you to those 13-19yrs students who have confirmed their attendance for the District Athletics Carnival next Thursday and Friday. We appreciate the time commitment for students to participate and are grateful to have so many be a part of our team to build on our strong 2nd place performance from last year, not to mention the 10-12 yrs team achieving 2nd place this year.

Information regarding student events and bus times will be sent out by the end of this week. There will be bus transport to and from the venue each day. There will be an extra bus offered to students on Friday to take athletes to USC at morning tea if they have later events. This bus will also bring students back to the College who only have morning events.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr Cameron West-McInnes or Mrs Lisa Muir.

Sunshine Coast Regional Trials

Any students who may be interested in attending upcoming regional trials for U13-15 Boys and Girls Cricket or U13-14 Boys and Girls Futsal need to register their interest with Mrs Muir by the 14th of August in order to be sent the necessary paperwork.

Student Acknowledgements

Congratulations to Jessica Lloyd for her fantastic achievements representing Australia in the World Archery Youth Championships in Ireland. Jessica came 12th out of 94 in her U18 female division and in teams, they finished 9th on the table. The competition provided her with sponsors and a whole new experience to prepare her for the Nationals and Australian Open in September, and hopefully to the Olympic qualifying event in December.

Congratulations to Jairus Patelesio who competed with his Sunshine Coast Rugby Union team over the weekend in Cairns. They came away 4th out of 10 Regions. He did an exceptional job playing up in the age group as a Year 8 student up against mostly Years 9 and 10 players.

Mr Cameron West-McInnes, Head of Sport

Junior Sport

Regional Athletics Qualifiers

After our successful second-place result at the Independent District Athletics Carnival last week, we have been notified that 12 of our students have qualified to represent our Independent District at the Sunshine Coast Regional Athletics Carnival. This is the highest number of PLC students to qualify for this carnival and is a reflection of the training and effort students have put in during Term 2 Athletics sessions each Monday afternoon.

Congratulations to the following students who will compete at the Regional Athletics Carnival:

Byron Bignell - 12 Boys 1500m

Emma Duddridge – 10 Girls Discus

John Fihelly – 12 Boys High Jump

Emily Groll – 11 Girls 100m Sprint

Ashlan Hill – 11 Girls Discus and 11 Girls Shot Put

Bailee Kiernan – 11 Girls Shot Put

Zara Koebsch – 12 Girls High Jump

Bailey McCormack – 10 Boys High Jump

Izaac O’Connor – 11 Boys High Jump

Andre Patullo – 10 Boys Discus

Hudson Smith – 10 Boys Shot Put

Scarlett van den Hurk – 11 Girls 800m

Years 2-5 Junior Basketball Program

This term we are once again offering a Junior Basketball Program to students in Years 2-5.  The focus of the program is to develop basketball skills and the application of these skills in game situations, with the program covering the fundamental skills of dribbling, passing, defence and shooting. 

The program will run for five weeks each Thursday afternoon from Thursday 10th August through to Thursday 7th September, from 3.30-4.30pm in the PLC gymnasium. 

The cost of the program is $30.00 per student, which includes a basketball that students can take home at the end of the program.  If you are interested in your child participating in the Junior Basketball Program, please log into your parent Clipboard account via link and select “Junior Basketball Development 2023” for payment.

There is still space available for students to sign up with numbers for this program capped at 70.

Sunshine Coast Marathon

Come and join us for a great run on Sunday 13th August at the Sunshine Coast Marathon. There is a range of distances you can enter from 2km to 10km. When registering, join the team ‘PLC Run Club 2023’ for a 10% discount. There will be a tent set up and some refreshments will be provided after your race. It would be great to see as many of you as possible come along and join in.

Student Success

Congratulations to Gemma Bryce who last weekend travelled to Cairns to compete in the Queensland State Pool Rescue Championships with her Metropolitan Caloundra Surf Lifesaving Club.

Gemma competed in five team and individual events over the weekend and was able to win medals in the following:

Gold - Line Throw

Gold - Brick Carry Relay

Gold - Medley Relay

Silver - Individual Brick Carry

The team events Gemma was part of also broke several QLD state records. Well done Gemma!

Mr Darren Hooper, Head of Junior Sport P-6

Club Sport

Club Sport

Pacific Lutheran College has several sports development programs outside of school hours. These programs encourage participation, giving students the opportunity to be part of a team, and learn basic skills of the game.

The parent-led Pacific FC Soccer and PLC Netball Clubs compete on Saturdays in community competitions throughout the Sunshine Coast.

PLC Netball Club

With only three games remaining before finals later this month, PLC Fireballs, Fury, Patriots, Mavericks and Avengers are all in the top 5 teams in their divisions, so they all have a great chance to compete in the final series. 

Upcoming dates:

• 5th August

• 12th August

• 19th August

• 26th August SEMI FINAL

• 2nd September PRELIM FINAL

• 9th September GRAND FINAL

We wish all teams Good Luck in the run to the finals!!

Save the DATE … PLC Presentation Day will be held on Sunday 3rd September (Father’s Day), at Moffat Beach Brewery Co, Production House, 51 Caloundra Road, Caloundra, followed by a skating session at the Rollerdrome. Exact details will be communicated shortly but it is anticipated to commence approximately 3.30pm and then 5.00pm for Skating.

Please let your coach or manager know as soon as possible if you will be attending presentation day.

Please remember points will be deducted if the scorecard is not correctly completed:

• all players must sign the game sheet prior to taking the court

• all substitute players must be listed below the registered players for the team, with the division and team name they are registered in next to their name and signature.

Please also ensure players arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the start of their games so that they can participate in the team warm-up, fill water bottles, and sign the game sheet.

We wish all teams Good Luck in the run to the finals!!

Facebook: PLC Netball Club
Instagram: PLC Netball Club

Mrs Donna Townsend, PLC Netball Club President

Pacific FC

Inspirational Mentor – Terry Finney

Congratulations to Terry Finney, coach of our U13 Razors, on competing at the World Medical Football Championship 2023 (WMFC2023) in conjunction with the 27th International Symposium of Medicine in Health and Sport in Vienna.

Round 16 and Competition Results

Thank you to our helpers in the canteen and set-up/pack-up volunteers. Without this help, home games at Pacific would not be possible.

U11 Pacific Marlins v Mooloolah Tiger snakes 3 -1

U13 Pacific Razors v Bli Bli Jousters 3-0 forfeit by Bli Bli

U15 Pacific Barracudas v Caloundra Black 1-4

Round 17 - Away games this Saturday and continuing celebrations for the FIFA Women’s World Cup

Round 17 Draw:

Round 18 matches and EOY celebrations on August 12th at PLC – 19th August.

Rooball Carnival – August 19th Pacific will host the U6 and U10 Carnivals. Other age divisions will be held at venues across the coast. Draw:

2024 SCCSA U9-U18 Representative Trials

Dates 7th, 14th and 21st October. Venue: Chancellor Park Soccer Club. Registrations open shortly. Register your interest via:

2024 U7 and U9 Girls Divisions SCCSA Proposal (September vote)

1. U7 Girls- players born 2017, 2018 and 2019 and 2 players born at the end of 2016 can play in this competition.  

2. U9 Girls- players born 2015, 2016 and 2017 and 3 players born at the end of 2015 can play in this competition.  

2. Girls will not be allowed to automatically play down into the all-girls competition

Register your interest via:

Contact: The Registrar
Facebook: Pacific Soccer FC 

Mrs Rita Williams, Pacific FC President

St Mark’s Lutheran Church

Worship @ St Mark’s

Sharing a common mission and ministry with Pacific Lutheran College

“Growing in faith and sharing God’s love with others”

Weekly worship services are held at 14 Bombala Terrace Caloundra at 9.00am. We are thankful that we can meet together each week for worship. As we do this, there are still physical distancing, and hygiene requirements we need to follow to ensure the health and safety of everyone in our community.

Our worship services are intergenerational with a blend of traditional and contemporary.

You’re welcome to follow us on Facebook and visit our Church webpage.

All are welcome at any of our services.

Pastor Ray Morris, St Mark’s Lutheran Church (0429 856 532 or

Upcoming Dates


4         Grandparents and Friends Day

4         Senior Schools Cup Volleyball (Yr 11 and 12)

7         K-Year 4 Library Author Visit

10       13-19 years District Athletics

10       Year 5-7 Library Author Visit

11       13-19 years District Athletics