If you open one of our College diaries, in the first few pages there is an explanation of our College logo. Amongst the explanation is the College’s deep affinity with the ocean that we are so fortunate to live so close to, the Pacific. When Magellan named the ocean many centuries ago, it translated directly to ‘Peaceful’. After so long at sea, he was relieved to be in such calm and navigable waters.
The correlation between an ocean and a school may not be evident straight away, but when looking more closely, there are many similarities. There is enormous diversity within both oceans and schools. Schools and oceans are ever-changing, and both can become unpredictable and unknown. By celebrating Pacific as a Peace Place recently, we recognised the part we all play in making the College a place of peace and tranquillity.
In assembly, we have been looking at what characterises a community of care that, in turn, builds a place of peace. As we know, anything worth valuing is a sum of its parts. It takes support, recognising our mistakes, honesty, and courage. It takes forgiveness, empathy, and understanding that we don’t always get it right the first time. It takes confidence, persistence, and it takes teamwork. But most importantly, creating a peaceful place is a shared understanding that we are all small pieces of the puzzle. Together through our thoughts, actions, and words, we can form the construct of a brighter and calmer future.
Outdoor Education, Gawun and the Year 5 Leaders
As leaders of the Junior College, our Year 5 cohort had the opportunity to attend their Outdoor Education Program this week. Students learned concepts around leadership, group dynamics, and their agency to help and serve others. For the leaders of our Junior College, there is great responsibility in how students grow their leadership skills to benefit themselves and others.
In addition to the Outdoor Education Program, Year 5 Students took part in a series of leadership activities at Ewan Maddock Dam. One of the core concepts involved in the Pacific Way is one of service to self and others. The leadership day allowed students to reflect and collaborate to develop a series of service-learning opportunities that enhance the culture and provide our student leaders with tangible opportunities. It also provided a reflection space for individual reflection of how students can hold themselves to the values that their families and College promote.
The traditional custodians of the land, the Gubbi Gubbi people, have a name for care or care for, Gawun. It is hoped that our Year 5 leaders can exhibit ‘Gawun’ for our College community and grow as leaders and people through a concentrated focus. You may have noticed our Year 5 leaders moving amongst our Junior College and adding a level of guidance to the younger students in the classroom and our play spaces.
Our plan involves building on the work established by previous cohorts and identifying critical areas within the Junior College that would benefit from additional support. Through further discussion, we hope to be able to move to house-based leadership activities that create a pathway for our students to flow into leadership opportunities that exist in middle and senior college.
Our students and teaching staff have been involved in the process from the start, and it has been wonderful to see agency and teamwork in action. We thank Mr Paul Brace, Head of Outdoor Education, for his planning and coordination of this experience and the many staff that attended the program and allowed the students to be involved in such a rich learning opportunity.

Car Park and Shared Food
A reminder to our community that the Prep-Year 2 car park is only for parents with students in these year levels. Year 3 and above students are asked to use the senior drop-off space. For our car park to perform at its optimum, we ask that you remain with your car when using the student set down area and vacate it as quickly as possible. Your cooperation on this matter provides flow within the car park and allows many more cars to use the drop-off zone.
With Easter approaching, many students may wish to bring in treats such as chocolate eggs to share with their classmates. Unfortunately, COVID restrictions remain in place at the College regarding shared food among students. Any food brought in by students to be shared will be returned home. We thank you in advance for your understanding.
Shared birthday cookie packs are available for ordering through the tuckshop. These can be catered to specific class numbers. Please contact the tuckshop for further information: tuckshop@pacluth.qld.edu.au.
On behalf of the Junior College, I would like to thank the support and care you have shown in supporting students, staff, and the necessary adjustments required during such a busy beginning to the year. I wish you and your families a restful and reinvigorating holiday break.
Take care, and God bless.
Mr Damian Davis, Head of Staff and Students P-5