Compass No. 631 November 2021

From the Principal

Congratulations and Farewell 2021 Graduates

It is an exciting time as we congratulate and thank our 2021 graduates.  Each of them has formed strong connections with others and with their learning. They have grown as people and contributed to the shaping of other’s lives and ways of being within the College. As a cohort they have connected strongly and positively with the community and led the enhancement of the College’s culture and traditions in all areas of College life. They have contributed strongly to the growth of the academic, pastoral, sporting and cultural life of the College.  The College, Pacific Action Group and House Captains have led well through spirited and thoughtful leadership. We thank the Year 12s of 2021 for their significant contribution to our community. 

We are proud of each one of our graduates. Each of them is well equipped and ready. They have grown deeply within and possess a good toolkit. We pray that they have the compassion, courage and curiosity to live each moment fully, hope-filled with good purpose, open to learning, deeply connected with God, people and the world. God Bless.

Principal's Log

As we engage in a range of celebrations at the end of the year, there is a sense of joy as we recognise how much young people have grown. This week parents, grandparents and staff had the pleasure of listening to our Year 3 and 4 Strings and our Year 5 and 6 Multi-Instrumental students perform. The growth and enjoyment that young people experience as part of these programs is a credit to our instrumental and music teachers.  We thank parents for their support and Head of P-12 Music, Mrs Aleisha Tuaine, Head of Instrumental Music, Mrs Helen Williams, Mr David Simpfendorfer and Instrumental music staff for their passionate leadership of the learning of music within the College.

High levels of parent engagement continues to be a very strong enabler within our community.  This has been particularly true within our Friends of Pacific, Pacific FC and PLC Club Netball.  As we plan for next year, there will be the opportunity for new people to play their part in continuing this important tradition. This week, the Pacific FC newsletter article highlights the opportunities for parents to lead within the Pacific FC and continue the tradition of quality connection and development for young people and their families. I would encourage our Pacific FC families to consider the ways in which they might contribute to the enhancement of this important part of our culture and connect with outgoing President Mrs Rita Williams and Canteen and Club Coordinator Mrs Jenny Lee via

We look forward to a range of celebrations including our Year 12 graduation ceremonies, Sports Awards, Carols Evening, and Closing Services.  As we do so, we celebrate the strong partnerships that exist between parents, staff and students in the fostering of growth and opportunity within the College.

We say a prayer of thanks for the gifts that our Year 12 students have given to the people of this community.  We pray that God would continue to guide, protect, equip and encourage them to live hope-filled purposeful lives, experiencing joy and possibility as they step through life.

Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal 

From the College Pastor

Farewelling our Year 12s

This week we farewell our Year 12s in our 20th Anniversary as a College. From our first year with 37 Year 12s, who graduated in 2005, to this year when we have 77 Year 12s, our Senior College has certainly grown over the years. Our College has also established wonderful traditions to help our graduates say goodbye to the school community as they are farewelled and transition to life after secondary education.

One of the activities I have been involved in over the last week of school for the Year 12s, is the labyrinth. The labyrinth is part of the spiritual culture of the school and can be described simply as a flat patterned path that can be used as a walking meditation or prayer. The College has an outdoor labyrinth on the edge of the campus near the rainforest across from the ovals. Each year, the Year 12 students get to walk the outdoor labyrinth to acknowledge the transition they are undergoing. They were encouraged to walk the labyrinth path slowly but with intent, reflecting on anything they wished to leave behind as they contemplated entering a new chapter in their lives. A prayer from the late College Pastor Rick Zweck on a plaque at the labyrinth entrance was read with the Year 12s after each of their walks. It is a beautiful prayer expressing the journey of walking the road, the pilgrimage of living life with others and with God.  It is a wonderful prayer of blessing for our graduating class of 2021.

Set out!  You were born for the road.

Set out!  You have a meeting to keep,

Where? With whom?

Perhaps with yourself.

Set out!  Yours steps will be your words –

The road your song, the weariness your prayers.

And at the end your silence will speak to you.

Set out! Alone or with others –

But get out of yourself!

You have created rivals – you will find companions.

You envisaged enemies – you will find brothers and sisters.

Set out!  Your head does not know where your feet are leading your heart.

Set out!  You were born for the road – the pilgrim’s road.

Someone is coming to meet you – is seeking you

In the shrine at the end of the road – in the shrine in the depths of your heart.

He is your peace. He is your joy!

Go!  God already walks with you!


Mr Tim Jarick, College Pastor

From the Director of Students

Agents of Change

A fortnight ago I wrote about change within the context of being comfortable with the uncomfortable and being able to accept change as an everyday part of life. You may recall the New Ways November calendar which I shared. I wonder how many of us actioned at least one of the challenges up to the middle of November? Crucially, stepping out of our comfort zone to enact change requires amongst other things, effort. This week we have had a concentrated focus on the departing class of 2021. There is great joy as friends reminisce of years gone by, friendships made, lessons learnt, and the excitement of what is to come.

Whilst reflecting on the past is important, and being present in the moment is necessary, my wish for the graduating class of 2022 is for them to be future focused agents of change. More so than ever before, our society requires young people with drive, courage, compassion, agency, and creativity. I would hope that through their Pacific journey they have individually and collectively, grown in their capacity to enact change for the greater good having been shaped by the core values of the College; Care, Dignity, and Respect. We thank you, the families, for being their support network as we lived, learned and laughed together. We thank them for their contribution over the years and wish them well for their future endeavours.

Personal Best

Martin Luther is credited with saying, “If you want to change the world, pick up your pen and write.” Over the last several days, students across Middle College and Year 10 have certainly picked up their pen or used a laptop to complete their end of year examinations for several subjects. Whilst Luther’s quote here may be seen as challenging, I would encourage our young people to consider its deeper meaning. Certainly, as a community, we have learning as our purpose and indeed we collectively strive to embed within our young people’s thinking, a genuine desire to exhibit dispositions that point to a culture of academic excellence. To this end, I would encourage all students to aim for their personal best. Ultimately though, this is one metric of a student’s life at the College, and I would encourage honest reflection, as grades come through, about where they can not only improve, but also where they have shown kindness, compassion, and respect for others throughout the year.

STEM Showcase

I was thoroughly impressed, and equally challenged to keep pace with the STEM experts and future innovators, who displayed their creations for the community STEM and IT showcase. Once again, I was in awe at the extent to which students spoke so freely, confidently and competently, about their projects. I congratulate Mr Wes Warner and his team for their leadership, and the families and staff who supported this wonderful evening.


Whilst the vast majority of students in Middle and Senior College are presenting well, there has been a number of students who have been identified as not having the correct hat with them or a hat that needs replacing. I would encourage families to connect with Mrs Peta King in the Uniform Shop to arrange for a new formal hat if your child’s hat is looking worse for wear.

Thank you to all the families for your continued support and partnership in 2021. The manner in which students have risen to the occasion so many times is testament to the collaborative nature of our Pacific community. I look forward to 2022, with the excitement that a new year and the new Buran House will bring. I wish you all a Merry Christmas, and a safe and relaxing time over the holidays with loved ones.

Mr Ben Ryan, Director of Students

From the Head of Staff and Students P-5

Congratulations to the transitioning classes of 2021

As the year ends, I would like to take the time to reflect on the journey of the current Year 5 students. Toward the end of last year, we began meeting as small groups to chart a course as they prepared for their final year in the Junior College.

As a cohort, they identified a need to give back more to our College community and as a result, the Gawun was born. This will forever be their legacy. Not only has it been heart-warming to see the interactions and support that our Gawun leaders have provided, they have also learnt more about themselves as individuals and as leaders. Their involvement in playground events, encouraging learning with younger students and supporting our Foundation College onto the school grounds in the mornings, has provided tangible examples of the impact that our young people can have on each other. 

I would like to thank the transitioning class of Year 5 in 2021, for the dedication shown to their learning, for their warmth and sense of humour, and their commitment to many important causes both within the college and in the community. As a Junior College, we look with interest as to what the remainder of your journey at Pacific will hold. 

We also acknowledge our Year 2 cohort as they transition from the Foundation to the Junior College. We celebrate the gifts that have been nurtured through your time in the Foundation College and we look forward to continued growth as you enter your next phase of learning. We are excited to welcome the cohort into our new Junior College Learning Space at the beginning of next year.  

Wellbeing growth

As this is my last Compass article for the year, I would like to make special mention of Mrs Sarah Atkinson and Miss Kathryn Eccles who have worked hard to provide Assembly messages and clear and relevant direction of the social and emotional growth of students in the Junior School. Pastoral care of students and the promotion of the message at school and home provides a connection so parents and carers have a strong understanding of the messages addressed here at school.  

Ceremonies and celebrations 

Next week we will begin to formally commend the achievement by our junior school students, staff and families with an Academic Awards Ceremony on Friday 26th November and Prep to 5 Closing Service on Monday 29th of November. An email setting out more specific details was sent home this week. With our COVID safe plan still in place, all events will be ticketed events and open to the community in a reduced capacity.  

End of Year functions 

As has been the case for the majority of the year, students sharing of food is not permissible for the end of the year class parties and events. These guidelines extend to bringing food items such as candy canes and lollies for distribution to other class members. We ask you to follow the direction communicated by your child’s teacher regarding end of year functions. 

As the end of the year is nearly upon us, I would like to thank the wider PLC community for the way you have supported our staff and students in changing circumstances. We truly appreciate the way you have supported the restrictions and changes that have needed to be implemented. I hope that you all have a safe and restful Christmas and we look forward to having a more conventional beginning to the start of our 2022 school year. 

Take care and God bless

Mr Damian Davis, Head of Staff and Students P-5

From the Head of Music

End of Year Concerts

This image is one that often pops up on Facebook news feeds. It paints the picture that, if you want to enjoy the professional orchestras, musicals and operas, then you have to start with a healthy school music program. Schools are often where these skills are first taught. This is where passion begins!

This week, we saw this passion first-hand, as our Year 5 and 6 Multi Instrumental Program and our Year 3 and 4 Strings Program held their end of year concerts. These concerts were a celebration of the hard work of our students throughout the year, as they learnt the fundamental skills of their instruments and discovered the joy of playing in an ensemble. Each year, the quality of these concerts improves, and this year was no exception. Well done to all of the students and music tutors involved and thank you to the parents and grandparents who came along to listen!

As the year draws to a close, the Music Department is busy assessing instruments to see what needs to be repaired. Please see below for a guide on instruments for the end of year:

Year 3 Strings – Instruments to be returned in their Week 7 or 8 Strings lesson

Year 4 Strings – Instruments to be returned in their Week 7 Strings lesson, except for those performing in Junior Strings at the P – 5 Closing Service

Year 5 – Instruments assessed in their Week 7 band lesson.  Most students will bring their instrument home for the holidays, with only those needing repairs collected over the holidays.

Year 6 – Instruments returned in their Week 7 band lesson, except for those performing with Junior Concert Band at the P – 5 Closing Service.

We ask again that anyone who has performed with an ensemble throughout the year, who is not continuing next year, returns any sheet music and their PLC Music folder to the Music Department.

Next year, we will be starting an Intermediate Concert Band in addition to our existing Junior and Senior Concert Band. To ensure students are placed in the band that best matches their ability, we will be auditioning students in Week 8. Audition times were emailed out on Monday.  Please make sure you check your email and know what time your audition is.  Auditions will be held in MC3.  Please contact Mrs Helen Williams or Mrs Aleisha Tuaine with any questions.

Thank you for your support and encouragement throughout 2021!

Mrs Aleisha Tuaine, Head of Music

Food for Thought

Peaceful Parenting Examples Age 7-11

Regulate Your Own Emotions

Kids learn to manage their emotions when their parents’ model how it's done.

Connect with Your Child

From tantrums to texting, the secret of happy parenting is a close relationship with your child. Without that connection, we have little influence (”My kids won’t listen!”) and parenting becomes exhausting. Click on the link below for more examples

Mrs Annie Williams College Counsellor 

Friends of Pacific

Connecting College and Community

Warm thanks to all in our College Community who have supported Friends of Pacific throughout 2021. We have enjoyed the opportunities this year has presented to join together in service for our College community. Sincere thanks to our 2021 Friends of Pacific committee members:

  • Vice Chairperson: Teena Thompson
  • Treasurer: Belinda Watman
  • Executive Committee Members: Rita Williams (Senior College), Peter Embleton (Middle College), Louise Walker (Junior College) and Marianne Jones (Foundation College).

Special thanks to Mrs Allyson Sarvari for her ongoing commitment and support to Friends of Pacific and the Pacific community.

College Christmas Carols BBQ

We look forward to hosting the Christmas Carols BBQ on Friday 26th November. Thanks to the families who have volunteered to help at this event, PLC’s Food Tech staff and to our 2022 Senior Student Leadership Team who’ll be joining in the fun.

Click here to follow our Friends of Pacific Facebook page.

Mrs Jenny Lee, Friends of Pacific Chairperson

College News

Totally Red

Come along on Wednesday 24th November and support the amazing Year 10 Drama class, who are very busy preparing a hilarious show aimed for a young audience titled ‘Totally Red’! This entertaining performance takes the audience on a ‘Red Riding Hood’ Journey through some of the major Theatre and Music styles in history; Storybook Theatre, Melodrama, Shakespeare, Avant Garde, Rap and of course, Musical Theatre! Your gold coin donation will support The Cancer Council. We hope to see you there.  Please read the poster for details.

Mrs Janine Delaney, Head of Drama


The Tuckshop will be closed on Friday 19th November due to Tuckshop staff attending Year 12 Farewell celebrations.

Ms Margaret Gunn, Director of Staff

Year 7 Families

Reminder of the Year 7 Immunisation School Clinic on Wednesday 24th November commencing at 9am.

Year 7 students who have previously returned a consent form will receive dose 2 of HPV – Human Papillomavirus.

Please also be aware that the minimum interval between a COVID-19 vaccine and the scheduled school clinic vaccine is 7 days. If a student has received a COVID-19 vaccination within 7 days of attending our clinic, they will not be vaccinated.

If you have any questions please contact the College Nurses on 54367311.

Mrs Sharon Middleton, College Nurse

Online Program to Help Families of Children with Eczema

Every day, thousands of Australian children suffer the effects of eczema, and families struggle with managing eczema and children’s behavioural and emotional adjustment.

Healthy Living Triple P is an adaptation of the successful Triple P - Positive Parenting Program, offering practical ideas and support for parents of children with eczema. This innovative online program is designed to help parents manage their child’s eczema more easily, help children cope with their eczema and emotions, prevent and manage difficult child behaviour, and reduce the impact of eczema on families.

Over the next few months, parents of 2-10 year old children with eczema are able to access Healthy Living Triple P free of charge as part of a research project through the Queensland Children’s Hospital, Griffith University, and the University of Queensland. For more information, please visit us at, contact Dr Amy Mitchell on (07) 3735 6462, or email

Mrs Sharon Middleton, College Nurse

Uniform Shop

The Uniform Shop is open every morning from now until Friday 26th November.  Please book an appointment with Reception to get your uniform needs for next year. 

Remember if you have a student transitioning from Prep to Grade 1 or Grade 5 to Grade 6 you will need to look at purchasing Formal Uniforms. Students going from Grade 9 to Grade 10 will need Blazers for Rite Journey on 25th November.  Boys will need trousers for Closing service and Girls will require the dual coloured tie for Grade 10.

Girls Shorts have arrived and are available to purchase in store.  These pair with the Formal Blouse and are for wear in the school setting only. For formal occasions, girls will need to wear the dress or long trousers.

Mrs Peta King, Uniform Shop

Community Service Opportunity - Disabled Surfers Association

Year 10 or 11 students who would like to volunteer at the upcoming Disabled Surfers Association event are encouraged to sign up at the Wellbeing Centre or send Mr Dutton an email. This event will be held at Maroochydore Beach on the morning of Saturday 27th November. Participating students will be required to organise their own transport. For further information, please contact Mr Ben Dutton

Mr Ben Dutton, Teacher – Industrial Technology & Design

Library News

End of Year Borrowing Procedures

Next week there will be no borrowing, as the library staff are conducting stock take. Students should return all their library books next week. Textbooks, class novels and music books should be returned when your class teacher indicates. In the final week of term, students who have returned all of this year’s books may borrow as many books as they like for the holidays.

Ms Narelle Keen, Head of Library

Sport News

Competitive Sport Results

SCSS Basketball

Well done to our Junior Boys Team 2 and Intermediate Boys Team 1 for making the Grand Finals in the All Schools’ competition on Friday night. The Junior Boys fought valiantly but came runners up to a spirited Nambour Christian College team. The team never gave up and there are great signs for their continued progress into next year. The Intermediate Boys had a tough battle against Mt Creek SHS and for a lot of the game, there was very little to split the sides. Our boys dug deep, kept their composure and ended up running away with the game in the last quarter. They were well deserved winners and champions of their division. Well done!

Competitive Sport News


We would like to thank all the families who have found and returned uniforms from the year. We are still chasing quite a number of uniforms so we are asking students to please do a thorough check for any PLC items and return them by the end of next week. We want to provide students with a playing uniform if they are in a competitive team, and having all items returned in a timely manner will give us the best chance to do so.

Term 1 2022

It is obviously a very early reminder, but I wanted to flag the sports that will be on offer in Term 1. We would like to see as many students as possible take up these opportunities and am looking forward to seeing an increased number of students engage in our teams in 2022. Some sports like Netball have already had some sign ups and trials, while more information on the other sports will be out early next year. Please don’t hesitate to contact the Sport Department if you would like further information.


Age Group



Junior/Intermediate/Senior (Yrs 7-12)

Monday afternoons


Junior/Intermediate (Yrs 7-10)

Wednesday afternoons


Senior (Yrs 11-12)

Wednesday afternoons

Fraser Coast Rugby 7s

PLC will be looking to enter teams again into this competition which is run at Hervey Bay in Term 1. We are looking at expressions of interest from students who wish to attend this carnival. The divisions that will be offered are U13/U15/Open Boys and Open Girls. We will base our nominations on student interest. Students can register their interest by going on NAV next week and completing a short survey.

Mr Cameron West-McInnes, Head of Sport 

Club Sport

PLC Netball Club

Registrations for our 2022 netball season will be open soon via the Netball Connect application. More details about registration will be provided via our Facebook and Instagram pages in the coming weeks.

Our 2022 season will officially kick off with a face-to-face registration day at the Caloundra Stadium, and club trials at PLC in February, with the first games held in early March.

In preparation for next season, our club is seeking motivated coaches or anyone who would like to be involved in the PLC Netball club through sponsorship opportunities. This is a great way to be involved in the sport and wider PLC community.

If you would like more information on either of these opportunities, please contact us via email at

Pacific FC

At the recent Annual General Meeting of the Sunshine Coast Churches Soccer Association, I was elected to the position of Treasurer on the Executive of the SCCSA.
Due to my new position, I have stepped down as President of Pacific FC. To avoid any perceived perception of bias or favouritism within this new role, I will no longer be representing Pacific FC in any official capacity. I will however offer my support and assistance to any Pacific FC executive transitioning into new roles within PFC.
It has been a joy and privilege to nurture and assist Pacific FC and the players to grow within the College community. In 2021, we celebrated 20 years of Pacific FC which is a testament to the strength and adaptability of the Club. 
I urge all parents with a player who loves Saturday sport to consider stepping forward and donating the gift of time to the Club. Without volunteers in 2022, our club can’t be the success that it has been since 2001.There are opportunities for new people to step into key positions within Pacific FC and all parents are encouraged to nominate for a position. Pacific FC can’t run without a strong volunteer base. We look forward to having some new faces be part of the team to ensure that this fantastic community club continues to grow and develop.

Nominate for the position of President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary or Registrar to ensure Pacific FC can field teams in 2022.

What's Ahead?

  • Development of an all-abilities program
  • Walking soccer program
  • Adoption of a new governance model proposed by Pacific Lutheran College
  • Continuing growth of Pacific FC as a point of strong connection, engagement and skill development 

You can make a difference as a volunteer: 

  • Coach
  • Co-Coach
  • Manager
  • Team Assistant
  • Coaching Director
  • Canteen Coordinator or Assistant
  • Grounds Coordinator or team member
  • Uniform and Sponsorship Team
  • General Committee Member
  • Executive Committee Member 
  • Representative coach for the U18 age division

PFC is committed to a place where positivity, patience, and persistence flourish.

Mrs Rita Williams, Pacific FC President

St Mark’s Lutheran Church

Worship @ St Mark's

Sharing a common mission and ministry with Pacific Lutheran College

“Growing in faith and sharing God’s love with others”

Weekly worship services are held at 14 Bombala Terrace Caloundra at 9.00am. We are thankful that we are able to meet together each week for worship. As we do this, there are still physical distancing, signing in, and hygiene requirements we need to follow in order to ensure the health and safety of everyone in our community.

Our worship services are intergenerational with a blend of traditional and contemporary.

You’re welcome to follow us on Facebook and visit our Church webpage.

All are welcome at any of our services.

Pastor Ray Morris, St Mark’s Lutheran Church (0429 856 532 or

Upcoming Dates


19        Year 12 Farewell Chapel (8.30am)

            Year 12 Formal (5pm)

23        Year 10 Leadership Day 2

25        Year 9 Rite Journey Homecoming (5pm)

26        K-5 Carols Evening (5pm)

29        P-5 Closing Service

30        Year 6-11 Closing Service

            Academic Year Concludes