Hope draws deeply from within. It is enriched through faith in a loving and gracious God who is there for us and with us. Being still in God’s presence and praying for guidance and strength opens our inner self to the light of hope and possibility. Refreshed by God’s love, we can begin anew, hopefilled.
Compass No. 606 April 2021
From the Principal
It was good to hear that students participated with good spirit in our Cross Country on Friday. Congratulations to all students and we wish those students who now go onto the District Competition all the best. Thank you to the staff for their support and to Mr Darren Hooper, Mr Cameron West-McInnes and Mrs Natalie Campbell for their organisation.
The Open B Boys team can be proud of their performance in their Soccer Grand Final this week which was hard fought. The boys showed good spirit and sportsmanship as they played hard right to the end. In a game that saw the ball moving quickly from end to end in the second half the boys lost 2-1 to Suncoast Christian College. Congratulations to the boys on a good season and thank you to coach Mrs Leah Croke.
Winter uniform will commence on Monday May 10th. For Middle College students this means boys must wear ties. Senior College students are to wear blazers to and from school and our senior boys wear ties and long trousers with belts. Families are encouraged to ensure they have all of the items for the winter uniform.
We pray for the health of all people in the world and particularly those in India ravaged by the effects of COVID-19. We pray that God might open our eyes to ways we can support our neighbour and that He would continue to bring hope into the lives of people within our community and beyond.
Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal
Important Notices
Middle College
- Males – Summer uniform with College tie and hat.
- Females – No change to summer uniform.
Senior College
- Males – Long pants with belt and navy short socks, College shirt, tie, blazer and hat.
- Females – Summer uniform with College blazer and hat. Navy or skin coloured stockings may be worn. Stockings are not to be worn with the sports uniform.
The full winter uniform including blazers and formal hat is to be worn to and from school every day other than SCISSA sport days.
The following are provided as general reminders to assist families in supporting their young people to maintain a high standard of presentation:
- The formal jumper may only be worn with the day uniform (not worn with the sports uniform, nor the sports jacket worn with the day uniform).
- Female students may wear stockings at any time of the year with their formal uniform. When wearing stockings, no socks are to be worn.
- Female dresses should always be approximately knee length. Families are asked to maintain a check on this as girls grow rather than waiting for reminders to be sent from the College.
All uniform items are available from the College’s Uniform Shop or online at: https://www.flexischools.com.au/.
From the College Pastor
We know that our suffering gives us the strength to go on. The strength to go on produces character. Character produces hope. And hope will never disappoint us.
Romans 5:4-5
We can hope for many things in life, a new car, winning a million dollars, an end to the rain on a wet day. Hoping for these type of things can be like wishful thinking, wishing for what we would like to happen in our minds. In biblical thinking, hope is directly linked to our growth in character that comes from persisting through the challenges, trials, and suffering of life.
The logic of these verses is that suffering produces strength which produces character, which produces hope. The wisdom of this is that real concrete hope is produced when we live through the challenges and trials in life. As much as we would prefer to avoid suffering and step around the hard times, we need to journey through them, one step at a time. In doing so, God can give us the strength to endure. The strength that comes from being shaped by his unfailing love.
As we step through this second term, we also live in the hope that comes from the risen Lord Jesus. We live in a post-Easter world, a world where we know that pain, suffering and death is not the end of the story. There is hope in the cross, there is freedom from suffering, Jesus has conquered our worst fears and anxieties.
As you think about and develop this character strength in your life, may the God of all hope give you strength, peace and endurance so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you overflow with the hope that comes from him.
Pastor Tim Jarick, College Pastor
From the Head of Senior Students
The retreat is set to take place at the end of Week 9 of this term (11th – 13th June) and will be held at Alex Park, Alexandra Headland. This is open to any and all Year 12 students who would like to take part, and more information will be distributed to the students closer to the date.
Year 11 Leadership Day
Last week, the Year 11 cohort engaged in their first leadership days for the year. It was interesting to note that this time last year, the 2020 Year 11s had to experience this online due to COVID restrictions. It is amazing how far we have come since then, and a good chance to reflect on how fortunate we are in Australia with our current levels of restriction.
The focus of the program was to look at what leadership meant to the cohort and what it looks like in their daily routines at school. It was great to see the students engaging with the LYQ facilitators, and listening to their responses and thinking throughout the day.
I would encourage all Year 11 students to start to view their capacity to lead within the school as something that is happening already, and not to wait until Year 12 to start to make strides into this. There are many opportunities for the Year 11’s to start having an impact around the College and this really begins with their influence in PCGs as they help form mentoring relationships with the other students in their group and work closely with their teachers on a daily basis.
The Year 11 cohort will engage in another leadership day in early Term Three, just before leadership applications and interviews take place. I look forward to seeing the growth and progress of this cohort throughout the remainder of the year in this area.
Senior College Defensive Driver Course
Next term, Pacific is booked in to take part in a Defensive Driver Course through the RACQ in Brisbane. Last year proved to be a highly valuable opportunity for almost 30 of our Senior College students, and we are looking forward to the chance to offer this again this year. The course is a practical course that deals with defensive driving at speed (controlled), in wet conditions, course manoeuvring and theoretical applications and demonstrations as well. In order to join this program, students must have their L-plates as a minimum. At the moment, we are still working out finer details as we offer this program again, and more information will be advertised to the student body later in the term. Stay tuned for more information about this.
Mr Mark Hauser, Head of Senior College Students
From the Head of Learning K-5
Mrs Sue Zweck, Head of Learning K-5
Food for Thought
Mrs Annie Williams College Counsellor
Friends of Pacific
On Wednesday 5th May, FoP will host a Mother’s Day shopping experience for our Prep-12 students with all gifts being $5. Prep-Year 5 students will be escorted over to the stall and students from years 6-12 may make their selections at morning tea near the Coral Café. Please note, no change can be given on the day so please bring the correct amount.
Click here to follow our Friends of Pacific Facebook page.
Mrs Jenny Lee, Friends of Pacific Chairperson
Pacific Early Learning Centre
Library News
Book Club
Order forms went out last week. All orders need to be submitted online by Sunday.
The Pacific Library Team
The PLC library has many fantastic non fiction books. From discovering facts about the world to cooking, jokes and lots more, we have it all and are always adding to our wonderful collection. This week, I’d like to highlight some incredible non fiction books that will take you around the world.
Junior Readers
North & South A Tale of Two Hemispheres by Sandra Morris
Beautifully illustrated, North & South introduces the concept of hemispheres and how this dictates our seasons. The book then displays a page for every month, one side for the Northern Hemisphere season and the other side of the page for the Southern Hemisphere. Each month features two animals, again one for the Northern Hemisphere and the other for the Southern Hemisphere. The book shares the similarities and the differences between the two animals that live across the world from each other. Conservation status, maps that show their locations and beautiful illustrations and endpapers bring these facts to life for young readers as they learn about the amazing creatures of the world.
Middle Readers
A World of Adventures by Lauren Smith and James Gulliver Hancock.
A World of Adventures takes readers on an adventure around the world (without leaving home). This book is illustrated, so gorgeous drawings bring the landscapes, cultures, foods, history, and wildlife of each continent to life. As the title suggests, this book is also about adventures and lists some incredible adventures that can be experienced in each continent, from finding gorillas in the Virunga Mountains in Africa to hot air ballooning across Cappadocia in Europe. The last section also encourages readers to explore their own backyard, with some ideas for adventures you can experience a little closer to home.
Senior and Adult Readers
Wish you could travel the world? Epic Hikes of the World encourages you to strap on your hiking books and settle into your living room to tour the world by foot (or by not leaving home). Divided into the continents (excepting Antarctica). Epic Hikes of the World uses stunning photography to take you around some of the most iconic walking tracks. Each trail is given some background information and history, top spots and things to look out for along the way, a map, where to start, end and stop for rests, things to pack and personal reflections from past hikers. Not all of the hikes in the book are far, far away. You might like to try Indiana Jones and the Gold Coast, a hike that takes you through two local national parks. If hiking is not your thing, we also have the Epic Bike Rides of the World and Epic Drives of the World in the PLC Library for your reading pleasure.
Ms Madison Dearnaley, Teacher Librarian
College News
Orders for packages and sibling photographs can be placed securely online at www.advancedlife.com.au using our school’s unique 9 digit advanced order code. Portrait and group package orders are due by photography day.
Should you wish to purchase a sibling photograph online, the order must be placed no later than the day before photography day. Sibling photographs will only be taken if an order has been placed.
Should you have any queries concerning school photographs or online ordering, please contact us at www.advancedlife.com.au/contact.
Miss Carolyn Sainty, Administrative Executive Secretary
From the Head of Outdoor Education
Sunday morning started with a dawn service, as the mist rose from the black tannin-stained Noosa river, staff and students paid their respect to those service men and women who have made sacrifices that allow for the freedoms we are grateful for today. With our backpacks on and spirits high, we set off for Wandi waterhole, some 12.5km away. Students helped each other navigate creek crossings and muddy paperbark swamps and shared their stories of adventure as we approached our campsite by lunchtime. Although energy started to wane, determination was high, students decided to take on the challenge to walk the remaining 10km to Harry’s Hut. Looking out for each other and encouraging the team, the group reached the beautiful Noosa River by sundown. What an achievement, a show of their absolute determination, commitment and tenacity to achieve 22km carrying everything they needed on their backs. It was a proud moment for the group, celebrating their success together over dinner and cards again.
Monday morning was filled with celebrating the success of yesterday’s longer walk in the form of recreational swimming and some lessons in personal safety and risk assessing the area before swimming and jumping into aquatic environments. The trip continued to have highlights as the water taxi shuttled us down the beautiful Noosa Everglades to our awaiting bus, in the company of a white-bellied sea eagle who led us down the river branch by branch. I would like to thank the students who took every challenge in their stride, pushed their bodies and minds to new heights and showed care for the whole team. I hope they are proud of their achievements and looking forward to their next adventure. I would like to also thank Simon Williams and Gen Lee as the other staff who accompanied the group and provided support for our adventure.
If your young person is interested in knowing more about the personal development and leadership opportunities that the Duke of Edinburgh Award provides, please don’t hesitate to contact me further kwood@pacluth.qld.edu.au.
Ms Kim Wood, Head of Outdoor Education
Cultural News

Tickets are NOW OPEN for Friday 21st Matinee 12pm show. All other shows BOOKED OUT! Don’t miss your chance to see ‘Grease’!
Tickets will be available online at: www.theeventscentre.com.au or Phone 54914240.
Mrs Janine Delaney, Director
On Sunday 25th April, the Pacific Lutheran College marching band performed publicly for the first time as a part of the Caloundra RSL ANZAC Day March. Having spent a number of early mornings rehearsing, twenty-seven students, accompanied by Mrs Linda Sydes, Mrs Aleisha Tuaine and Mrs Helen Williams were proud to represent Pacific Lutheran College at this significant community event. Marching as a band requires a great deal of coordination and focus, and the Music Department could not be prouder of the students involved! We look forward to further developing our skills for next year.
Term 2 Date Claimers
Term 2 is always a very busy term! Please take note of the following date claimers to ensure you are able to attend all events:
- 16th:Combined Schools Workshop Day – this event will involve students in Junior Concert Band and Junior Strings
- Open Day – all ensembles will be performing. The following times are a guide for performance times on the day, and are still subject to change. Final details will be sent out closer to the event:
12.15 |
Middle College Rock Band 2 |
2.15 |
Orchestra |
12.25 |
Senior Rock Band |
2.25 |
Jazz Band |
12.45 |
Primo Strings |
2.35 |
12.55 |
Junior Rock Band |
2.45 |
Middle College Rock Band 1 |
1.05 |
Junior Strings |
2.55 |
1.15 |
Junior Concert Band |
3.05 |
1.25 |
Pacific Junior Voices |
3.15 |
Senior Strings |
1.35 |
Senior Concert Band |
3.25 |
- 5th – Bunnings Barbecue Fundraiser – expected to involve students from some rock bands and Jazz Ensemble
- 24th – Ensembles Concert – All ensembles will be performing.
All ensemble rehearsals and instrumental lessons have recommenced for the term. Thank you for your ongoing support!
Mrs Aleisha Tuaine, Head of Music
Sport News
3-6 Inter-House Cross Country Carnival
It was refreshing to see clear blue skies last Friday for the 3-6 Interhouse Cross Carnival. Students were very excited to be able to finally participate after last term’s cross-country carnival was postponed due to rain.
It was great to see so many parent spectators present and the outstanding house spirit on the day. Well done to Bula house who were crowned the overall champion house at the end of the carnival.
Congratulations to the following students who finished in the top three places for their age groups.
Age |
1st |
2nd |
3rd |
Under 8 Girls |
Haya Gogarty |
Amity Astwick |
Poppy Bradford |
Under 8 Boys |
Jax McFadden |
Kruz Britton |
Curtis Campbell |
Under 9 Girls |
Scarlett van den Hurk |
Billie McKinnon |
Louise Greene |
Under 9 Boys |
Izacc O’Connor |
Lachlan Powell |
Hunter Raymond |
Under 10 Girls |
Layla Novosel |
Tara McFadden |
Macey McFadden |
Under 10 Boys |
Aiden Booker |
Euan Lengenberg |
Beau Woods |
Under 11 Girls |
Mae Clarke |
Sienna Pyke |
Jemma Costa |
Under 11 Boys |
Fletcher Friend |
Kody Farmer |
Sam Schefe |
Under 12 Girls |
Abby Novosel |
Porscha Taylor |
Noella Finney |
Under 12 Boys |
Lennon Biggs |
Joey Woods |
Ryan Dent |
Good luck to all students who have been selected to run at the Independent District Cross Country Carnival next Tuesday which will be held out at The Big Pineapple. Parents have received information via Operoo if your child was selected for this team. The bus will leave at morning tea (10:25am) from the front bus stop and will return for normal afternoon dismissal at 3:00pm.
We have also received notification from the organisers that parents are welcome to attend and spectate with students on the day.
Mr Darren Hooper, Head of Junior Sport
SCISSA Sport Report
Well done to all our senior volleyball teams yesterday for their strong efforts in their games yesterday.
Congratulations to the following students for being awarded MVP this week:
- Courtney Page
- Sophia Summers
- Ellie Dixon
- Noah Beasley
SCSS Rugby Union
This round brought some tough games against Matthew Flinders. One of the big positives is the level of commitment in our players to see games through, even when challenges are presented in games. The 13 yrs boys, in particular, kept fighting all the way to the end of the game, even though they were against a very polished, experienced side. Reminder to all players that we need all players at training on Tuesday mornings and Friday sport time to keep building skill and team cohesion.
Congratulations to the following students for being awarded MVP this week:
- Jett Crawford
- Ethan Benson
- Jack Tracey
Trish Buckley Volleyball
Well done to our Yr 9 Trish Buckley Girls team for a strong first night in their competition on Friday. The students played well for their first official game playing together and walked away with a win and a loss. All the best for the rest of the competition!
Interhouse Cross Country Carnival
A big thank you to all students who were a part of our Cross Country Event this year. You couldn’t have asked for better conditions on the day, and it was great to see so many students be involved. The level of spirit and support from the houses for their runners was impressive, and Mumba House was deemed to be the leader in this, winning the Spirit Trophy. Well done to all Wira runners for helping their house take out top spot on the afternoon. The District Carnival will be held on Tuesday 4th May at the Big Pineapple. Students need to be at bus stop by 7.30am on the day (slightly later start than the original letter sent out). Parents are now able to spectate and do not have to be restricted to specific areas.
Mr Cameron West-McInnes, Head of Sport
- Grace Garland & Samantha Hutton – Gold Medal (U17 First Aid)
- Samantha Hutton for a Gold Medal in First Aid and a Bronze in the Champion Lifesaving Event at Australian Lifesaving Championships
- Imogen Hiley & Maggie Princehorn – Bronze Medal (U15 Board Rescue)
- Charlie Garland – 4th Place (U15 First Aid)
- Lachlan Woodward for his 5th placing in the 400m at National Athletics Championships
Mr Ben Dutton, Teacher - Industrial Technology & Design
Club Sport
Over the upcoming Labour Day long weekend, the following Pacific FC representative players will take to the fields of the Sunshine Coast Stadium to represent the Sunshine Coast Churches Soccer Association at the pinnacle soccer tournament for the year, the QCSA State Titles.
We congratulate the following Pacific FC representative players on their endeavours to successfully compete in their age divisions, with an aim to ensure SCCSA proudly retains the overall State Championship title.
Please note there are NO club games running this weekend due to State Titles.
Makos |
U09 |
Harley |
Spence |
Barracudas |
U13 |
Nicholas |
Currey |
Seals |
U14 |
Angus |
Friend |
Seals |
U14 |
Joshua |
Groll |
Seals |
U14 |
Joseph |
Harrys |
Eels |
U15 |
Patrick |
Dale |
Eels |
U15 |
Luke |
Harrys |
Eels |
U15 |
Jessica |
Lloyd |
Eels |
U15 |
Zaida |
Williams |
Cobras |
U16 |
Caleb |
Baker |
Cobras |
U16 |
Ethan |
Haas |
Cobras |
U16 |
Matthew |
Kirby |
Cobras |
U16 |
Alexander |
Lee |
Mrs Rita Williams, Pacific FC President
Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop currently has a full range of Formal Jumpers in stock for Year 1-12 students. Currently Sports Jackets for Prep – Year 12 are in stock in sizes 4 and 8-14 as well as L-XXL. All other sizes in Sports Jackets are on order. They will be available for order on FlexiSchools once the stock arrives in store, so please keep an eye on the website.
Trousers for all Year 10-12 students are available in store and online for the Winter Uniform. A reminder that blazers are a requirement for Years 10-12 as part of the Winter Uniform.
If you need to come into the Uniform Shop for a fitting, please ensure you make an appointment by calling the Main Reception on 5436 7300. The Uniform Shop hours are Wednesday to Friday (term time) from 8.00am – 10.00am.
Mrs Peta King, Uniform Shop Coordinator
St Mark’s Lutheran Church
Sharing a common mission and ministry with Pacific Lutheran College
“Growing in faith and sharing God’s love with others”
Weekly worship services are held at 14 Bombala Terrace Caloundra at 8.30am and 9.30am. We are thankful that we are able to meet together each week for worship. As we do this, there are still physical distancing, signing in, and hygiene requirements we need to follow in order to ensure the health and safety of everyone in our community.
Our worship services are intergenerational with a blend of traditional and contemporary.
You’re welcome to follow us on Facebook and visit our Church webpage.
All are welcome at any of our services.
Pastor Ray Morris, St Mark’s Lutheran Church (0429 856 532 or lutherancaloundra@gmail.com)
Upcoming Dates
4 District Cross Country
5 Mother’s Day Stall
10 Trimester 2 Commences
Year 4-6 SCISSA Training
11-13 NAPLAN
12-14 Year 4 Outdoor Education Program - Mapleton
14 Junior Trish Buckley Volleyball
16 Open Day
17 SCISSA Training
18 Friends of Pacific (6.30pm)
27 Under Eights Morning
21-22 Senior College Musical - ‘Grease’
27 Year 4-6 SCISSA Trial Game - GSLC
28 Caloundra Show Holiday
31 Year 4-6 SCISSA Training