Compass No. 598 February 2021

From the Principal

Compassion Rather Than Comparison

Healthy self-concepts grow best where there is a greater focus on compassion rather than comparison. Where comparison is at the basis of our self-worth, we become reliant on identifying areas where we are better than others. A compassionate, strengths focus means we see ourselves as strongly connected and interdependent on others. We focus on ways we can continue to grow across all dimensions of our lives and support others. There is a shift from judgment to kindness, both in the way we think about ourselves and others. There is a sense of common humanity and a mindfulness to be fully present in the moment and thoughtful in terms of how our interactions impact on others. “Higher levels of compassion for self and others are linked to increased feelings of happiness, optimism, curiosity and connectedness.” When we live with compassion at our centre, the world slows down and opens out.

As we move into Lent we are reminded of God’s compassion for us. Jesus death and resurrection means that we can live as forgiven and forgiving people, enriched and enriching through God’s grace. We are strengthened individually and collectively through compassion.

Principal's Log

Over the weekend, more than 30 staff, senior students and parents responded to the call to support the Disabled Surfers Association. This is a great initiative that provides the opportunity for people to come together and enjoy the surf. Being involved in service activities such as this brings great joy to those who are supported and all who participate. It is also a reminder of the blessings we have that are often taken for granted. Thank you to our students, parents and staff who were involved and to Mr Ben Dutton for his organisation.

Staff and students also enjoyed the opportunity to be part of this year’s Music Camp over the weekend. The 60 students, who form our various ensemble groups, enjoyed the opportunity to grow their love of music, hone their music skills and strengthen friendships. We are looking forward to seeing our first Marching Band perform. Thank you to our students and parents for their support of the weekend and to Mrs Aleisha Tuaine, Mrs Helen Williams, Mr David Simpfendorfer and our music tutors for their leadership.

All families are encouraged to read the Child Protection Policy that is included later in this newsletter. Maintaining the wellbeing and safety of the members of our community is a priority for all. Reporting matters of concern to the College is a key part of maintaining the wellbeing of people. The Child Protection Policy and the Care, Dignity and Respect Policy, which will be featured next week, outline the responsibilities of students, parents and staff in ensuring the wellbeing of students and staff in this critical area. The Child Protection Policy includes a reminder about not publishing images of people or activities at the College without the permission of those in the image. Copyright permissions are also infringed where public performances are broadcast or duplicated. 

At our recent Friends of Pacific Annual General Meeting we were pleased to welcome both continuing and new members to the meeting and our Executive. Congratulations to Jenny Lee who was re-elected as the FoP Chairperson and Teena Thompson, Fiona Roberts, Belinda Watman, Rita Williams, Peter Embleton, Louise Walker and Marianne Jones who were elected in various Executive roles. We thank outgoing Executive members Allyson Sarvari, Erin Carter, Alison Ferguson and Bron Butler for their very strong contributions. The meeting had a strong focus in line with our theme of Enhancing Agency Through Deep Connections, exploring ways we can maintain and enhance the strong tradition of parent partnerships and community connection to optimise student growth and opportunities. 

May we be enriched and enrich others through God’s compassion.

Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal

From the College Pastor

The Season of Lent

Christ humbled himself by becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross. (Philippians 2:8)

As Term 1 rolls on, there is a season approaching that we observe each year at Pacific. It’s not summer, autumn or spring, which are really the only seasons we experience in Queensland. No, in Term 1 we observe the season of Lent. Lent is from the Christian calendar and is a time to reflect on Christ humbling Himself on the cross for us before we celebrate the joy of Easter Day. In the Christian calendar, seasons are times set aside to prepare for what follows. In Lent, we prepare for Easter, the Christian faith's central event, which acknowledges the dying and rising of Jesus. We prepare by giving to others, by praying and by fasting. By giving, praying and fasting, we learn to let go of our control and let God be God in our lives. These Lenten practises can help us as we cease some of the things we crave in life, or think we need. They can be a circuit breaker from our cycles of inwardness to an outward focus on Jesus and his cross. As we move towards the middle of the term and the countdown to Easter, may you find time to consider how you might be able to give to others, pray and fast. God’s blessings to you this season of Lent.

Prayer: Dear God of our whole selves, as we journey through this season of Lent, teach us how to give, so that we can joyfully respond when you call us to serve. Teach us how to pray, so that we can be closer to you in all that we do throughout the day. Teach us how to let go, so nothing can stand in the way of our connection with you. Teach us how to prepare, so we can be ready to receive your love, wisdom, and blessing. Help us to remember that in all ways we belong to you. Amen. (

Pastor Tim Jarick, College Pastor

From the Head of Senior Students

Senior College Update

It has been a busy start to the year in the Senior College with a number of important events already having taken place. Over the past two weeks, Year 10 and 11 students and parents have had information evenings to share important details about curriculum and tertiary requirements. I encourage all students and parents to connect with Mrs Wanda Hayes or Ms Anne-Marie Gerlach if they have any questions or concerns about study pathways, subject selections and/or tertiary information, as they offer a wealth of information and support. We thank Mrs Hayes and Ms Gerlach for their time on the information evenings.

The Year 12 cohort continued their connections with their Year 2 buddies when students came together for their first Teddy Bear’s Picnic last week. The Year 12 cohort were as excited as their Year 2 counterparts and it was entertaining to witness the interactions between students. I congratulate all Year 12 students on their mature approach to working with their buddies and their commitment to forming strong connections. A special thank you to Mrs Kirsty Ridley, Mrs Jodie Connors and Mrs Tanya Graves for their organisation of the session. The Year 12 students got a lot out of the experience and are all looking forward growing these important relationships and bonds throughout the year.

Last Friday evening, the Academic Pacific Action Group hosted a Trivia Night for Year 12 students. It was great to have more than half the cohort attend an evening of fun, entertainment and competition. There were academic challenges, artistic competitions, team dress-ups, plenty of music and even a dance-off throughout the event. Everyone had a great time. A special thank you to Mrs Tina Cox for her leadership and to Year 12 students Tanushi Nath, Layla Kidd, Toby Easton and Carys Mahoney for their organisation. There was great feedback from the experience and we look forward to the next one!

God bless.

Mr Mark Hauser, Head of Senior College Students

From the Learning Team

Cultures of Thinking

Inside each learning space at Pacific, we cultivate cultures of thinking. Developed by Ron Ritchhart from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, cultures of thinking recognise that dedicated time for thinking, developing and using a language of thinking, makes for a more effective learning environment where thinking is visible.

Cultures of thinking principles are:

Learning is a consequence of thinking. Students’ understanding of content, and even their memory for content, increases when they think through, and with, the concepts and information they are studying.

Good thinking is a matter of skills and disposition. Open-mindedness, curiosity, attention to evidence, scepticism and imaginativeness all make for good thinking (Perkins & Ritchhart, 2004; Perkins, Tishman, Ritchhart, Donis, & Andrade, 2000).

The development of thinking is a social endeavour. In learning spaces, as in the world, there is a constant interplay between the group and the individual. We learn from those around us and our engagement with them.

Fostering thinking requires making thinking visible. Thinking happens mostly in our heads, invisible to others and even to ourselves. Effective thinkers make their thinking visible, meaning they externalise their thoughts through speaking, writing, drawing and so on.

Classroom culture sets the tone for learning and shapes what is learned. The elements that shape classroom culture are:

  • Classroom routines and structures for learning;
  • Language and conversational patterns;
  • Implicit and explicit expectations;
  • Time allocation;
  • Modelling by teachers and others;
  • The physical environment;
  • Relationships and patterns of interaction; and
  • The creation of opportunities.

Pacific embraces the principle that schools must be cultures of thinking for teachers. We have been intentional in nurturing the growth of a professional learning community, in which rich discussions of teaching, learning and thinking are a fundamental part of teachers’ experiences. These professional interactions provide the foundation for nurturing thinking and learning in the classroom. Over the coming weeks, we will unpack the 8 Cultural Forces that we use as levers to enhance our College and classroom culture.

Steve Biddulph – Raising Boys

Steve Biddulph AM is one of the world’s best known parent educators. A psychologist for 30 years, he is now retired but continues to write and teach. His books, including The Secret of Happy Children, Raising Boys, The New Manhood and 10 Things Girls Need Most, have influenced the way we look at childhood, especially in the development of boys and men.

Steve is hosting a series of online events throughout February and March. To view dates and further information, click here and scroll down to Australian Eastern Time Zones.

Mrs Sue Zweck, Head of Learning K-5

Important Notices

Child Protection Policy

Pacific recognises that protecting students from harm and the risk of harm is fundamental to maximising their personal and academic potential. For this reason, the welfare and best interests of the children within our College will always be a primary consideration.

We expect our students to show respect to our staff and volunteers and to comply with safe practices. We expect all employees to ensure that their behaviour and relationships with students reflects proper professional standards of care and are not unlawful. The College will respond diligently to a report of suspected or actual harm, or risk of harm to a student resulting from either within the College or from outside of the College.

What does the College mean by harm?

Recent Queensland legislation defines harm as:

  • Any detrimental effect of a significant nature on the child’s physical, psychological or emotional wellbeing. It is immaterial how the harm is caused. Harm can be caused by:
    • Physical, psychological or emotional abuse or neglect;
    • Sexual abuse or exploitation; or
    • Domestic or family violence.

How does the College protect students from harm?

The College has a comprehensive Child Protection Policy, which outlines the actions to be taken if a member of staff or a parent of the College becomes aware or reasonably suspects that harm has been done to a student by other staff, people outside the College or by other students.

What should you do if you become aware or reasonably suspect that harm has been caused to a student of the College by a member of staff, someone outside of the College or by other students?

You should report your concerns to the Principal or member of the Administration and Learning Executive or to any other member of College staff.

What will happen next?

If you report your concerns to a member of staff other than the Principal, the member of staff will report it to the Principal immediately. If the subject of the complaint is the Principal then the member of staff will report to the Chairperson of the College Council.

Child Protection Policy And Procedures

Every student has the right to feel safe and free from harm while at Pacific Lutheran College. We expect students to respect their teachers and other students and we expect that they will receive the same respect in return. Students should never allow themselves to feel unsafe without reporting it to someone they trust.

Who should a student tell if they do not feeling safe at school or at home?

Any member of staff, including the College Pastor. If a student does not feel comfortable talking to a member of staff, they may write a letter. If a student would prefer to talk to somebody outside of the College on a confidential basis, they can also call Kids Help Line which is a free call – 1800 551 800.

What will happen if a student reports what is happening to a member of staff?

If the concern is worrying the student but not causing them immediate harm, then the member of staff will discuss ways to solve their problem. If the concern is serious and the member of staff believes that the student is being harmed or is in danger of being harmed, he or she will report it to the Principal.

What if the student does not want the member of staff to tell the Principal?

The member of staff will aim to keep the student’s concerns confidential where possible. However, if the member of staff is aware or reasonably suspects that harm has been caused to a student of the College, the law requires the matter be reported to the Principal and it may have to be reported to the Police.

If the staff member has no choice about reporting what the student has told them, he or she will explain exactly what will happen next. The most important thing is that the student feels safe and free from harm. Students must tell someone if they are being harmed or afraid that they will be harmed.

Pacific has a legal and moral responsibility to ensure that students, staff and members of the College community are not subjected to behaviours, practices or processes that may constitute harassment, discrimination, vilification, or victimisation and is therefore committed to developing an environment which promotes respect for a person’s integrity, equitable treatment and natural justice.

Taking and publishing photos, and recordings of school-based activities.

Recording of school-based activities should only be for personal use and should not be published in a public manner without the permission of the College. This would include social networking sites such as Facebook or YouTube. Publishing images without permission of those in the image contravenes the College’s privacy policy. Copyright permissions are also infringed upon if music from public performances is broadcasted or duplicated.

Food for Thought

9 Ways to Show Empathy When Your Child Is Struggling

When your child misbehaves or struggles in school, it’s not always easy to be empathetic. But showing that you understand and respect your child’s needs can help build their motivation and self-esteem. It also builds trust between the two of you. Click here to learn more.

Mrs Annie Williams, College Counsellor

Friends of Pacific

Connecting College and Community

AMG and the 2021 Team

At the Annual General Meeting, we acknowledged the following parents for their service to the Friends of Pacific over many years: Allyson Sarvari (Vice-Chairperson), Erin Carter (Secretary), Alison Ferguson (Executive) and Bron Butler (Executive). These parents have stepped down from their executive roles and we thank them for their dedication and time in serving the Pacific community through FoP.

I am honoured to be staying on as Chairperson in 2021. We also welcome new and returning members to the executive committee.

  • Vice-Chairperson: Teena Thompson
  • Secretary: Fiona Roberts
  • Treasurer: Belinda Watman
  • Executive Committee Members:
    • Rita Williams (Senior College)
    • Peter Embleton (Middle College)
    • Louise Walker (Junior College)
    • Marianne Jones (Foundation College)

We look forward to continuing to strengthen our connections within the Pacific community this year.

Mooloolaba Tri Volunteering Opportunity

Pacific is volunteering at the Mooloolaba Tri on Saturday 13th March from 10.00am to 4.30pm and we are looking for 20 parents and Middle / Senior College helpers who would like to join our team. It’s a six-hour commitment at Mooloolaba and promises to be a rewarding experience assisting competitors to rack their bike prior to the race on Sunday. Volunteers receive a t-shirt and food. Pacific will receive a donation for every volunteer we provide on the day. If you would like more information or can commit to helping, please see Ms Angela Hill in the Wellbeing Centre or contact Mrs Jenny Lee via email:

Mrs Jenny Lee, Friends of Pacific Chairperson

Library News


New LibGuides have been added this week to support current assignments.

Voices on the Coast

Thank you to those students who have already expressed a keen interest in attending Voices on the Coast. This year however, it will be an online event only, held from 1st – 5th March. Once the program is released, we may offer some sessions during lunchtime for interested students.

Squishy Circuits and Super Heroes

This week in our Monday lunchtime STEM session we explored squishy circuits. Using conducting and insulating dough, students made an electrical circuit that powered a light. For Tuesday’s craft activity, students designed their own superhero mask. Secondary students created velvet art photo frames, which provided an opportunity to be creative and to practise mindfulness.

Ms Nell Keen, Head of Library

College News

Disabled Surfers Association Event

On Saturday 13th February, a group of 30 staff, senior students and parents attended the Disabled Surfers Association (DSA) event at Ballinger Beach. There were almost 200 volunteers ready to help the participants catch some waves. We believe that we speak on behalf of everyone by saying that it was amazing to see the huge smiles on the kids’ faces as they caught waves. Surfing is an activity that many of us take for granted so it was rewarding to witness the joy of participants. We encourage other Pacific students to volunteer at future DSA events as it is a great community event and a valuable experience. Thank you to Mr and Mrs Belchamber, Mr Massie, Mrs Hosking, Mr Ryan, Mrs Pollard and Mr Dutton.

Connor Dines and Patrick Henderson, Year 12 Students

Cultural News

Music Camp

Last Friday, 60 students, accompanied by Mrs Helen Williams, Mr David Simpfendorfer and Mrs Aleisha Tuaine, departed for the annual Music Camp at Watson Park Convention Centre. Together, these students formed our Senior Strings, Senior Choir, Senior Concert Band, Orchestra and Jazz Ensemble. Amongst the many hours of rehearsals, the weekend was also a fantastic time of building and strengthening friendships. At the request of the Caloundra RSL, this year our Concert Band has formed Pacific’s first ever marching band.

The camp concluded with students performing a short concert on Sunday afternoon to the delight of their parents. The buzz and energy amongst students were evident, and promises another great year of music making! The camp could not have run without the support of several of our wonderful Music Tutors, Mr Salmon, Ms Martinez and Mrs Fowler. We thank them and our wonderful students for such a fantastic weekend.

General Update

In the coming week, further information and a payment schedule for the 2022 New Zealand Music Tour will be released. Please keep an eye out for this information as the first deposit is due in early March.

Students are reminded that if they will be away for an instrumental lesson or ensemble rehearsal, to let their teacher know as soon as possible. Unplanned absences, such as illness, also need to be communicated as early as possible. Thank you for your support!

The Music Department


From the Head of Career Development

Term 1 Careers Appointments

All Year 12 students have the option to meet with Mrs Wanda Hayes this term. Each student and their parents will receive an invitation to attend a meeting over the coming weeks. The focus of the meeting is on individual forward planning for next year. Year 12 students will also be required to meet with Mrs Hayes during Term 3, to confirm and consolidate their plans. If you would prefer an appointment earlier this term, please email Mrs Ann Barwick to request a time:

Students in other year levels are also welcome to request appointments. To do so, please email either Mrs Hayes ( or Mrs Barwick.

Defence Force Recruiting Events

Each year the Defence Force Recruiting (DFR) team at Maroochydore host a morning event for International Women’s Day. This year’s event will be held on Tuesday 9th March from 8.45am to 11.00am. The DFR team invites female students in Years 11-12 who are interested in a possible career in the Australian Defence Force to attend. Any student who is interested in attending this event should contact Mrs Hayes in the first instance. Students should check their assessment schedules carefully before expressing interest in this event.

Other upcoming Defence Force Recruiting events are as follows (click on the event to access the link to further information, and to register):

Pacific Now a SAT Testing Centre

SAT’s are university entrance exams, which are used in several places around the world, including by nearly all universities in North America. There are fewer than 20 locations in Australia where students can sit the SAT’s, and Pacific Lutheran College is now the first and only location on the Sunshine Coast. This means that any of our students who wish to apply to study overseas, in a place that uses SAT results, can sit the tests right here in our own school. If you are interested to find out more, please contact Mrs Hayes.

Mrs Wanda Hayes, Head of Career Development

Sport News


Week 3 Results




Jnr Girls Volleyball

PLC 0 – GCC 2

Danica Cockburn

Int Girls Volleyball 1

PLC 0 – GCC 2

PLC 2 – SUN 1

Ainslie Colton

Chantelle Page

Int Girls Volleyball 2

PLC 1 – GSLC 2

PLC 0 – SCGS 2

Marina Krueger

Jessica Watkins

Int Girls Volleyball 3

PLC 0 – ILC 2

PLC 0 – SAAC 2

Elyse McFadyen

Int Girls Volleyball 4

PLC 1 – GCC 2

Chloe Mitchell

Int Boys Volleyball 1

PLC 0 – GCC 2

PLC 0 – GSLC 2

Sean Turnbull

Luke Harrys

Int Boys Volleyball 2

PLC 2 – SUN 1


Boys Soccer 1

PLC 5 – GCC 0

Sebastian Moye

Boys Soccer 2

PLC 5 – SUN 0

Dafydd Thomas


Week 4 Results




Jnr Girls Volleyball

PLC 2 – SCGS 1

Phoebe Struckett

Int Girls Volleyball 1

PLC 2 – SAAC 0

Katie Graves

Int Girls Volleyball 2

PLC 0 – GCC 2

Jessica Watkins

Int Girls Volleyball 3

PLC 2 – NCC 0

PLC 2 – SUN 1

Jazmyn Bell

Davina Sebastian

Int Girls Volleyball 4

PLC 0 – SCGS 2

Erin Lacey

Int Boys Volleyball 1

PLC 0 – SUN 2

PLC 2 – SCGS 1

Rhys Veizer

Cooper Whatham

Int Boys Volleyball 2

PLC 1 – CCPS 2

Justin Chipangura

Boys Soccer 1

PLC 1 – ILC 0

Billy Hocken

Boys Soccer 2

PLC 2 – SAAC 0

Jarrod Goodwin


Student Success

Representative Sport

Congratulations to the following students for their selection into the following representative sport teams:


16-19 Girls District

Yasmin Richters


13-15 Boys District

Logan Pohlner

Joseph Modlin


10-19 Regional Team

Alfie Ward

Water Polo

13-19 Regional Team

Cossette Winter

Macey Winter (Reserve)

We wish these students all the best for their upcoming regional and state trials!

Queensland State Surf Rescue Championships

Well done to Tas Chamberlain, Charlie Garland, Jessica Hutton, Samantha Hutton and Grace Garland for their excellent efforts representing Dicky Beach Surf Club in the Queensland State Surf Rescue Championships over the weekend.

Tas Chamberlain:

  • U15 Patrol Competition - Silver Medal

Charlie Garland:

  • U15 Patrol Competition – Silver Medal
  • U15 First Aid Competition – Bronze Medal

Jessica Hutton:

  • U14 Champion Lifesaver – Bronze Medal
  • U15 Patrol Competition – Gold Medal

Samantha Hutton:

  • U17 Champion Lifesaver – Bronze Medal
  • U17 First Aid Competition – Bronze Medal

Grace Garland:

  • U17 First Aid Competition – Bronze Medal

Queensland State Paddle Teams

Congratulations to Catalina and Luka Stylianou on their selection in Queensland State Paddle teams, based on the results at the recent State Championships. Both students medalled in sprints and marathon singles and doubles events. In March, the Queensland Sprint Team will race in New South Wales and the Marathon Team will compete in Victoria. We wish Catalina and Luka all the best as they prepare for these events.

State Athletics Club Championships

Congratulations to Danica Cockburn who has been selected to compete in discus, javelin, shotput, triple jump, and high jump in the upcoming State Athletics Club Championships.

Mr Cameron West-McInnes, Head of Sport

Club Sport

Pacific FC

Registrations now open!

Pacific FC is looking for players in the following ages groups:

  • 4 x U9 (Year 3) – males and females born 2012/2013
  • 4 x U13 (Year 7) – males and females born 2008/2009
  • 3 x U14 (Year 8) – males and females born 2007/2008
  • 2 x U15 (Year 9) – males and females born 2006/2007
  • 2 x U16 (Year 10) – males and females born 2004/2005/2006

For information and to register, click here.

Mrs Rita Williams, Pacific FC President

PLC Netball Club

There are only two more sleeps until the formal commencement of the 2021 Netball Season, with our trial day at the PLC Gym this Saturday. The aim of the day is to allocate teams, issue equipment and for players to meet their coaches and team mates. This year, trials will only be held for our U13 + teams, however, all players are encouraged to attend.

Our ‘Go’ (U10) and ‘Set’ (U8-9) teams will be allocated rather than graded. These teams involve players born in 2012, 2013 and 2014. Allocation is based on suitability and friendships groups rather than skill.


The schedule is as follows:

  • 8.00am – All divisional girls to arrive for the commencement of trials at 8.30am.
  • 9.00am – All Set and Go players (those born in 2012, 2013 and 2014) arrive for team allocation.
  • 11.00am – U11 and U12 (last year’s Pintos and Shetlands).

There are still some vacancies for children born in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2008 and before. If you are looking for a cost-effective sporting option, netball may be the sport for you. If you are interested please email:

Mr Trevor Colton, PLC Netball Club President

St Mark’s Lutheran Church

Worship @ St Mark's

Sharing a common mission and ministry with Pacific Lutheran College

“Growing in faith and sharing God’s love with others”

Weekly worship services are held at 14 Bombala Terrace Caloundra at 8.30am and 9.30am. We are thankful that we are able to meet together each week for worship. As we do this, there are still physical distancing, signing in, and hygiene requirements we need to follow in order to ensure the health and safety of everyone in our community.

Our worship services are intergenerational with a blend of traditional and contemporary.

You’re welcome to follow us on Facebook and visit our Church webpage.

All are welcome at any of our services.

Pastor Ray Morris, St Mark’s Lutheran Church (0429 856 532 or

Upcoming Dates


19                        9-12yrs District Swim Carnival

22                        Year 4-6 SCISSA Training (3.15pm – 4.15pm)


1                          Year 4-6 SCISSA Training (3.15pm – 4.15pm)

                            Sunshine Coast Schools Netball Commences

3                          10-19yrs Regional Swim Carnival

5                          International Women’s Day Breakfast (7.00am)

                            Music Camp Departs

                            Senior Trish Buckley Volleyball – Round 1