What I most want to say is a very large heartfelt thank you to all staff, parents and students. Our staff have been creative and committed in the way they have worked hard and maintained continuity of learning and service to our community. Our students have been appreciative and supportive as they have engaged well with the changing landscape of learning this term. Parents have worked hard in supporting learning at home, been generous in their appreciation and worked well with us as we have adapted to many changes together. We can be proud of what we have achieved together.
While there was considerable challenge within the home learning experience, it also provided some important opportunities for us to consider new ways of doing things together. Parents will be invited to provide reflections about their learnings and wonderings prompted by the home learning period. This feedback will be used in combination with student and staff reflections to consider ways we might incorporate our home learning growth to adapt and improve our practice.
A letter will be emailed to parents next week which will give details about Term 3 arrangements, fees, the developments that have occurred over the past 12 months, developments planned for the next 12 months and the outcomes of the 2019 Annual Review. The letter will include an invitation to provide reflections around the home learning experience and feedback through the short but important annual review process. Feedback provides an important part of the strategic planning process for the College and I encourage all families to take the time to contribute to the College’s continual improvement.
Thank you to our community for your very generous support of the Salvation Army through the donation of more than 1800 food and household items and over $1900 raised through the Casual Clothes Day. The Salvation Army’s appreciation for our community’s generosity has already been expressed on their Facebook page. Well done to Year 11 student Holly Ubrihien for her initiative in coming up with ways we could maintain our support for the Salvation Army under different community conditions.

As we move into Term 3, most of the current hygiene and social distancing requirements will continue including those around drop off and pick up. We look forward to further easing of restrictions, which will provide greater opportunity for music ensembles, sporting teams, outdoor education experiences and excursions to occur. Some detail of this is included in next week’s letter with further details being sent on Friday 10th July as greater detail emerges closer to students returning to school.
At the end of this term we farewell Mr Terry Clark who has given more than 12 years of tremendous service to the College as a classroom teacher in the Junior College. Mr Clark’s students have enjoyed his very strong care for them and attention to the detail of their learning. Mr Clark can be proud of his contribution to the shaping of many lives and that of the Junior College. We wish him every blessing as he takes on his new role as a classroom teacher at Caloundra City Private. We look forward to welcoming back Mrs Shelley Hogan from maternity leave. Mrs Hogan is looking forward to teaching in Year 5.
As we come to the end of the term, we are all looking forward to a change of rhythm. Whether we have holidays or simply a change of pace, I hope that you all find good time to rest and revel in the great place that God has given us to live on the Sunshine Coast. Thank you! God Bless.
Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal