We have all been navigating substantial change in our lives. How we navigate change can be a little like sailing a boat. There are times where we have read the winds and the currents correctly, set our sails well and can be racing along. Sails filled with wind can suddenly flap with changes in wind speed or direction and we can be stalled or winds can strengthen and we find ourselves overpowered and out of control. Waves too can come unpredictably. Equipment can unexpectedly break and need creative solutions. Sailing requires us to prepare, take strong notice of forecasts, grow our skills, learn to read the signs and is easier with a good crew. It requires a firm, skilful, responsive hand at the helm that can adjust and learn through good and poor decisions. As we stand at the helm of our own lives, we can navigate change in the same way. We can take careful note of the conditions and changes around us, learn new skills, seek and heed advice from experienced sailors, be prepared to try out new things, know that we won’t always get it right, and be responsive and adaptive. Being part of a good crew who move lightly through change helps us to relax and make the most of the journey.
The good news for us as Christians is that God stands right alongside us as we do our best. He is there as a constant guide and strong member of our crew who never sleeps! We can be confident in His love and grace for us, enabling us to steer with light hands, confident that there is a safe and welcoming harbor ahead.