Thank you! Over this past week, staff, students and parents have been intensely engaged in supporting our young people to engage in learning in a very different environment. Being physically back on campus, I have been so impressed with the persistence, warmth, good humour and engagement of our students across Prep to Year 12, whether at the school or at home. Our senior student leaders have been keen to find ways to continue to lead our community through this time and I have seen some great ingenuity as staff, students and parents have created different ways to connect and learn together.
A huge thank you to our parents for your support through this time. For those who have been intensely engaged in your children’s learning it will have been a very, very big week. We are very conscious of the differences families now encounter in their work and home lives. Your support of the College’s health and safety measures through this time has been greatly appreciated. Many of you are playing important roles in supporting the health of our community and keeping important services and businesses running as well as supporting your families. We appreciate all you are doing!
Finally, a huge thank you to our staff who have gone well beyond what is required to be effective and creative in preparing for and supporting learning and connection through this time. It has been a massive team effort with teachers and support staff working well together to provide a calm transition for our community.

To you all as staff, students and parents, a massive thank you. Your appreciation, good humour, patience, hard work, creativity and heart for people has shone through strongly.
We will be providing surveys for families, staff and students at the end of this week for you to provide feedback so that we can progressively make improvements to the way we are supporting you all.
Over the holidays, Senior Mathematics Teacher Mr Jeff Goodwin resigned. Mr Goodwin has provided good support to our senior Mathematics students and staff over many years. He also loved the opportunity to lead our Year 12 students in the preparation of their formal dances each year. We thank Mr Goodwin for his many years of service and wish him all the best for the future.
We are looking forward to unveiling some new communication strategies for our community over the next fortnight and so, in what is a historical moment, this is likely to be the last newsletter in this format.
Hopefully we can all find time to rest this weekend. We can rest confident that God is walking with us and be thankful for the service of our ANZACS, for the role many are playing in maintaining the wellbeing of our community, that we live in such a great country and are part of a great community.
Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal