This week as we celebrated Ash Wednesday, we were reminded of our earthiness. When we put our hands into rich soil there is a vitality and sense of possibility as we connect ourselves to nature. Soil is made rich by the cycle of decay and growth. As part of God’s creation, we are part of the same cycle. Through this Lenten season we are invited to let go of those things that limit us or weigh us down, to reassess and ground ourselves in God’s love and grace so that we can grow in those things that strengthen and encourage us. Grounded in this way we are free to live our lives abundantly.
Compass No. 562 February 2020
From the Principal
The Friends of Pacific meeting last week was an energising experience where new and continuing members made valuable contributions to thinking about College and Friends of Pacific activities. As a learning community, the strong positive connections between staff, students and parents is an important element in the richness of experience at Pacific. We thank the many parents who, through involvement in soccer, netball, Friends of Pacific and as parent representatives, help to strengthen this important partnership and provide important opportunities for growth.
Congratulations to our Year 11 Debating team who won their first debate against Mueller College as part of the QDU Debating season. We wish speakers Lachlan Buchanan, Noah Beasley, Alexander Jose, chairperson Amedy Buchanan and coach Mrs Ceilidh King all the best for the season and thank Mr Alex O’Connor for his inspiration and leadership of our debaters.
It was great to see the energy and spirit of sporting teams training and playing this week. Our open boys soccer team played with great skill and spirit to win a closely contested game against Good Shepherd Lutheran College. As they played, a number of our Saturday netball teams were fully engaged in their training on the courts alongside them and our volleyball teams were playing at various venues across the Coast, including our gym. Thank you to our teachers, parents and students who bring these experiences to life.
We look forward to the International Women’s Day breakfast next Friday. The theme of EachforEqual encourages us to see the equal dignity and capacity that all people have and for each of us to be proactive in encouraging and enabling people to fully explore and utilise their potential. The whole family is invited to come along and be entertained by the talents of our music students as you enjoy great food provided by our hospitality students.
The safety of children is a priority for us at Pacific. Members of our community are encouraged to refamiliarise themselves with the College Child Protection Policy which follows. The full policy statement can be accessed via the Links tab in Parent Lounge.
May God give us joy as we reground ourselves in God’s love and grace this Lenten season.
Dr Bronwyn Dolling, Principal
Pacific recognises that protecting students from harm and the risk of harm is fundamental to maximising their personal and academic potential. The welfare and best interests of the children within our College will always be a primary consideration.
We expect our students to show respect to our staff and volunteers and to comply with safe practices. We expect all employees to ensure that their behaviour and relationships with students reflects proper professional standards of care and are not unlawful. The College will respond diligently to a report of suspected or actual harm, or risk of harm to a student resulting from either within the College or from outside of the College.
What does the College mean by harm?
Queensland legislation defines harm as:
- Any detrimental effect of a significant nature on the child’s physical, psychological or emotional wellbeing. It is immaterial how the harm is caused. Harm can be caused by:
- Physical, psychological or emotional abuse or neglect;
- Sexual abuse or exploitation; or
- Domestic or family violence.
How does the College protect students from harm?
The College has a comprehensive Child Protection Policy, which outlines the actions to be taken if a member of staff or a parent of the College becomes aware or reasonably suspects that harm has been done to a student by other staff, people outside the College or by other students.
What should you do if you become aware or reasonably suspect that harm has been caused to a student of the College by a member of staff, someone outside of the College or by other students?
You should report your concerns to the Principal or member of the Administration and Learning Executive or to any other member of College staff.
What will happen next?
If you report your concerns to a member of staff other than the Principal, the member of staff will report it to the Principal immediately. If the subject of the complaint is the Principal then the member of staff will report to the Chairperson of the College Council.
Child Protection Policy and Procedures
Every student has the right to feel safe and free from harm while at Pacific Lutheran College. We expect students to respect their teachers and other students and we expect that they will receive the same respect in return. Students should never allow themselves to feel unsafe without reporting it to someone they trust.
Who should a student tell if they do not feel safe at school or at home?
Any member of staff, including the Pastor. If a student does not feel comfortable talking to a member of staff, they may like to write him or her a letter. If a student would prefer to talk to somebody outside of the College on a confidential basis, they can also call Kids Help Line which is a free call – 1800 551 800.
What will happen if a student reports what is happening to a member of staff?
If the concern is worrying the student but not causing them immediate harm, then the member of staff will discuss ways to solve their problem. If the concern is serious and the member of staff believes that the student is being harmed or is in danger of being harmed, he or she will report it to the Principal.
What if the student does not want the member of staff to tell the Principal?
The member of staff will aim to keep the student’s concerns confidential as much as possible. However, if the member of staff is aware or reasonably suspects that harm has been caused to a student of the College, the law states that the matter must be reported to the Principal and it may have to be reported to the Police. If the staff member has no choice about reporting what the student has told them, he or she will explain exactly what will happen next.
The most important thing is that the student feels safe and free from harm. Students must tell someone if they are being harmed or afraid that they will be harmed.
Pacific has a legal and moral responsibility to ensure that students, staff and members of the College community are not subjected to behaviours, practices or processes that may constitute harassment, discrimination, vilification, or victimisation and is therefore committed to developing an environment which promotes respect for a person’s integrity, equitable treatment and natural justice.
Taking and publishing photos, and recordings of school-based activities
Recording of school-based activities should only be for personal use and should not be published in a public manner without the permission of the College. This would include social networking sites such as Facebook or You Tube. Publishing images without permission of those in the image contravenes the College’s privacy policy. Copyright permissions are also infringed upon if music from public performances is broadcasted or duplicated.
From the College Pastor
One of the things I love doing in my garden is composting. After several months with a bit of patience, I can make rich compost from my kitchen scraps, garden trimmings and lawn clippings. Then I have the pleasure of digging the earthy humus back into my vegetable beds or flowerpots. It is extremely satisfying to reuse organic material from my household and with the help of decomposition, re-enter it into the environment through more fertile soil. This enriched soil then helps me to grow more flourishing flowers, plants and vegetables. Soil and compost are so important for our environment, our care of creation, our food supply and it is also important in teaching us how God acts in the world.
This week, our Pacific community celebrated the beginning of Lent with a focus on Ash Wednesday in chapels. Students and staff had the opportunity to have ash put on their foreheads in the shape of a cross. This ritual act was accompanied by the words; “remember you are dust and to dust you will return”. Ash, dust, dirt, these elements all remind us of how vitally connected we are with the soil and how all life created by God will eventually decompose and return to the soil. This was God’s message to Adam in Genesis 3:19, that he would return to the ground where God had made him. Composting is part of God’s plan for the world and shows us that new life, new growth, is coming.
The American poet and farmer Wendell Berry says that soil is Christ-like. Christ-like because it constantly welcomes death and turns it into new life. That was God’s point in sending Jesus to us, to show us that His pattern for the world is to work through death to bring us resurrection. New life and hope can sprout and flourish from what was decaying and dying. One soil scientist, after years of research, concluded that our soil is unexplainably mysterious in how it keeps on turning matter into new life and feeds and nourishes the world. Composting and connecting with the ground we live on is good for our gardens, our environment and for us spiritually. Getting our hands and heads dirty is not such a bad thing. In fact, it can be a God thing when it connects us with Christ who grows new life in us.
Have a blessed Lent and enjoy a garden and composting if you can.
Pastor Tim Jarick, College Pastor
From the Director of Students
Last week I took great delight in watching several short video clips that focused on the elements of plant and animal cells. There is something quite special about being able to ‘see’ what can only been seen under a microscope. Our Year 8 scientists continue to dive deep into some challenging concepts in a manner that evokes curiosity, collaboration and focused questioning. As Albert Einstein said, “The important thing is to never stop questioning”. As a place of learning, my hope is that all students at Pacific continue to ask questions to quench their thirst for new information and ways of doing things.
You may recall Dr Bronwyn Dolling’s explanation of this year’s theme, excellence through student agency and efficacy. Additionally, it is the attention we will continue to give to student voice that will support the foundations for building students’ agency and efficacy. Significantly, there has been a renewed focus on student leadership at the College and the microscope has been well and truly placed over this domain at Pacific. Perhaps one of the most important aspects of leadership at any level is to listen. Consequently, this message of listening to student voice will permeate across the College as our leaders settle into their respective roles. I encourage all students to channel their voices with purpose through the various leadership teams, including the Pacific Action Groups and Connect and Empower spiritual collectives.
Middle College Leadership
Recently the Year 6 leaders attended the GRIP Primary Leadership Conference at Venue 114. They spent the day with Year 6 leaders from 30 other schools learning about leadership, showing generosity and bringing leadership ideas to life. It was a fantastic interactive day with lots of fun activities and ideas about ways leaders can support their peers. Thank you to Mrs Linda Sydes for her leadership and organisation of this day and I look forward to working with a dynamic group of young people. Year 9 Student Leaders also had the privilege of attending an Ecumenical Service at Good Shepherd Lutheran College. The students represented the College with distinction and together prayed, sang, listened and connected with a broad range of student leaders from across the region.
Mission Australia Youth Survey 2019
The largest of its kind in Australia, the Mission Australia Youth Survey unpacks the responses of 15-19-year-old students across a range of areas. Mission Australia has placed the students’ responses under the microscope and determined that mental health was the most important issue in Australia. I encourage you all to take a look at the outcomes of the survey in more detail at (Mission Australia Youth Survey 2019). At Pacific, we also seek to understand what our student community is thinking across a range of areas and as such will conduct the Pacific as a Peace Place Survey towards the end of Term 1. The data we collect informs how we respond and educate key stakeholders in ensuring Pacific continues to be a place where students feel safe and included and can thrive.
Prep – Year 9 Disco
Please save the date for our upcoming Prep – Year 9 Disco on Friday 27th March. Last year we attracted more than 400 students to the disco and this year should be just as popular. More details will be made available in the coming weeks.
Mr Ben Ryan, Director of Students
From the Head of Learning K-5
Melbourne researchers have proven what parents have intuitively known all along – the more often you read to your children from an early age, the greater the positive effect on their reading and thinking skills.
The Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research has not only proven a causal effect between the frequency of reading to a child and his or her development, but have also measured the benefits for the first time.
Four to five year old children who are read to three to five times a week have the same reading ability as children six months older (who are read to only twice or less a week).
Reading to children six to seven days a week puts them almost a year ahead of those who are not being read to. It was also found that reading to small children has a positive effect on the development of numeracy skills.
The research, which was funded by the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, found the positive outcomes occurred in children regardless of parental income, education level or cultural background. That is, children with poor backgrounds or parents of limited education or ability have the same benefit of being read to frequently.
Victorian Minister for Children and Early Childhood Development Wendy Lovell said the research was ''an exciting step forward'' in understanding the importance of reading to young children.
Mr Sue Zweck, Head of Learning K-5
Food for Thought
A 2-Minute Action Plan for Parents
Awareness: Every day notice something your child does with a good intention or with a concerted effort – especially when it doesn’t go according to plan. Make it about their character and personal qualities instead of their actions.
Acceptance: Start to notice when you feel the need to correct your child. Is it necessary, does it matter and will it help them?
For more information, visit:
Mrs Annie Williams, College Counsellor
Pacific Lutheran College invites our community to celebrate International Women's Day at our annual breakfast on Friday 6th March from 7.00am. Bring the entire family to enjoy student performances and delicious food prepared by the Pacific Hospitality students.
This year's International Women's Day theme is #EachforEqual. Individually, we're all responsible for our own thoughts and actions. We can actively choose to challenge stereotypes, fight bias, broaden perceptions, improve situations and celebrate women's achievements. So collectively, each one of us can help create a gender equal world.
Click here to download the event flyer, which includes an RSVP form.
This year's annual Year 12 Hospitality Dinner will be held at Tides Waterfront Restaurant on Tuesday 24th March. Students, staff, friends and families are invited to come and support our Year 12 students as they experience running a restaurant. Enjoy a delicious 3-course meal, served by our Hospitality students for $65.00 per person. Bookings can be made from 5.30pm by contacting Mrs Colleen Beattie at:
Friends of Pacific
Help plant a greener future for our school! Simply shop at Currimundi Markets to vote for Pacific to WIN 1 of 2 Sustainable Garden Prize Packs! From 9th March – 3rd April 2020. Learn more at:
Look out for further information at Currimundi Marketplace and on the junior assembly next week.
Upcoming Events
- Mooloolaba Tri – Sunday 15th March
- College Dance – Friday 27th March; and
- One World OCEANfest 2020 Planning Meeting – Date TBA.
If you would like to be involved in any of the events above, please contact us via email:
Mooloolaba Tri Volunteering Opportunity
Pacific is volunteering at the Mooloolaba Tri on Sunday 15th March and we are looking for 20 parents and Middle / Senior College helpers who would like to join the Pacific / FoP volunteer team. It’s a six-hour commitment at Mooloolaba and promises to be a rewarding experience. Volunteers receive a t-shirt and food. Pacific will receive a donation for every volunteer we provide on the day.
- Sunday 15th March – 4.45am start till 11.00am (we need another 11 volunteers).
If you would like more information or can commit to helping out, please contact Mrs Allyson Sarvari on 0402 276 988 or email:
Next Meeting
Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday 17th March in the College Library at 6.30pm. Please join us for wine, cheese and a chat.
Quote of the Week
“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” – Dr Wayne Dyer
Click here to follow our Friends of Pacific Facebook page.
Mrs Jenny Lee, FoP Chairperson
Library News
Last week, 62 students across Years 4-12 attended the Voices on the Coast Literature Festival at the University of the Sunshine Coast. Students enjoyed listening to their favourite authors and meeting some new authors, whose books they’re now keen to read. Jacqueline Harvey and Morris Gleitzman were very popular with our junior students, while Suzy Zail’s holocaust stories based on her father’s experiences and the fantasy worlds of Lynette Noni were big hits with our secondary students. Lots of students brought books from home to get signed and enjoyed the chance to speak one-on-one with the authors.
Dragon Eggs and Tote Bags
This week in our MakerSpace Year 3-6 students used hot glue guns and paint to make dragon eggs. Due to popular demand we will run this one again next term. Meanwhile, secondary students got to be both creative and environmentally responsible by painting their own tote bag.
Ms Nell Keen, Head of Library
New books, new books! Who doesn’t love a brand new book? Those shiny covers and crisp, fresh pages. The Pacific library has lots of new books to enjoy and discover. Each fortnight in their library lessons, Prep to Year 8 students are presented with the latest arrivals and have a chance to put their name on the reservation lists for their favourite picks. Here are just a few of our newest titles.
Junior Readers
‘The Return of Thelma the Unicorn’ by Aaron Blabey.
Thelma is back! Thanks to the demands of her fans, Thelma the Unicorn is convinced to give stardom another try. This time she has her best friend Otis to support her and protect her. With a bit of pink paint and quite a lot of glitter, Thelma returns in this unicorn-fabulous book.
Activity idea: Dress up! Who loves to dress up? I know the librarians certainly do. Grab something pink and something else that glitters and shines and throw a dress-up session (children and adults alike).
If you liked this, try ‘Thelma the Unicorn’ by Aaron Blabey.
Middle Readers
‘Dear Sweet Pea’ by Julie Murphy.
‘Dear Sweet Pea’ is a delightful story about growing up, figuring your way through friendships, facing challenging family changes like divorce and finding your voice in the move from middle school to high school. When Sweet Pea’s parents announce their divorce and promise her nothing will change, she didn’t expect them to set up nearly identical houses for her on the same street. The only thing between them is the house of Miss Flora Mae, who writes the local advice column. When Miss Flora Mae goes away on a holiday, she asks Sweet Pea to forward her letters to her, but Sweet Pea is drawn to the mystery of the letters and finds herself opening and responding to them herself.
If you liked this, try ‘Change of Heart’ by Nova Weetman.
Senior Readers
‘Ghost Bird’ by Lisa Fuller.
Like scary stories? Well, ‘Ghost Bird’ might be the book for you. When Stacey’s twin goes missing the police refuse to take a missing person’s report. As days pass and Laney doesn’t return, Stacey starts to dream about her. The dreams are dark and scary and Stacey isn’t sure what they mean, but at least she knows Laney is alive. Stacey knows Laney needs her help, even if it means risking her own safety and uncovering some long-held family secrets. Author, Lisa Fuller is a Queensland Indigenous woman and weaves an authentic regional Queensland setting, Indigenous culture and storytelling into her compelling book.
If you liked this, try ‘This Is How We Change the Ending’ by Vicki Wakefield.
Ms Madison Dearnaley, Teacher Librarian
College News
Following, Megan shares her reflections from the Year 7 Camp, which was held earlier this term.
“One of the highlights from Camp Somerset was the Giant Swing. When I was being harnessed I was really nervous and scared. Lots of others felt the same way. When I let go off the rope and dropped and swung out over the cliff my stomach was jumping and I screamed. But when the rope started to slow down, I realised it wasn’t so bad and I was proud of myself. I have a fear of heights.
Another highlight was mountain biking. We had to get used to the brakes on the professional mountain bikes. Most of us are used to riding road bikes. Lots of people got a fright when they reached the first downhill run. The road was very bumpy, rocky and unstable with lots of loose gravel. We all made it safely down the first hill. The first uphill run was tough. Most people had to get off their bikes half way up and walk their bikes to the summit. Some people in each group fell off their bikes and had bruises to take home as souvenirs.
On the first night at camp out, I got to help make nachos. We were really worried about eating dehydrated mince. Luckily, it was actually really good and a lot of people were surprised when they tried it. It tasted like normal mince that you would but at Woolies or the butcher.
Even though it rained nearly the whole time, it did not matter because we could still do things in the rain and when we couldn’t, we did indoor activities. It was very misty and foggy but it was still a great week.” – Megan
Upcoming Duke of Edinburgh Expedition
During the upcoming April school holidays, the first Duke of Edinburgh expedition will be held from 3rd – 7th April. The expedition is open to all Year 10-12 students, but we specifically encourage our Bronze, Silver and Gold Duke of Edinburgh participants to join!
Students will head to Elanda point and camp the night on shores of Lake Cootharaba, which is Queensland's largest saltwater lake and is the gateway to Australia's only everglades system. From here, students will explore the upper reaches of the Noosa River and enjoy sunset at the Cooloola Sandpatch before returning on 7th April. The cost is to be advised.
Students who are interested are asked to contact me directly at:
Ms Kim Wood, Head of Outdoor Education
This year, the Pacific Mathematics department will offer ‘Maths Homework Help’ to all Year 6-12 students each Monday afternoon, from 3.20pm – 4.20pm in L13/14. This gives students the opportunity to come and do their maths homework in a quiet environment with a teacher present to ask questions when needed. All students who attend are expected to work quietly on their maths homework/revision.
Mr Alex O’Connor, Head of Senior College Mathematics
From the Head of Career Development
For the second year running, the annual University Showcase tour is visiting Pacific. This is a fantastic opportunity for our Year 12 students to get information about university, vocational education and training (VET) and Defence Force options available to them next year. All Year 12 students will attend this event, in the gym, on Wednesday 11th March from 2.15pm to 3.00pm. There will be 13 exhibitors here for the event and they are keen to meet our students and answer their questions. We would also like to invite interested Year 12 parents to come along as well.
Defence Force Recruiting Events
The Maroochydore office of Defence Force Recruiting holds information events throughout the year. The following events are coming up in March. There is a linked information flyer for each event below. If you are interested in attending any of these events, please click on the link to register, or contact Defence Force Recruiting, using the contact details on the event flyer.
- Monday 2nd March from 6.00pm – 8.00pm: GAP Year (Maroochydore RSL)
- Wednesday 11th March from 6.00pm – 8.00pm: Commando Careers (Maroochydore RSL)
- Wednesday 25th March from 6.00pm – 8.00pm: Defence Careers (Oaks Oasis Caloundra)
Mrs Wanda Hayes, Head of Career Development
Junior Sport (P-6)
Last Friday, our primary swim team travelled to St Andrew’s Anglican College to compete in the 2020 District Swim Carnival.
Strong participation and spirit were on display throughout the carnival and it was pleasing to see a number of excellent individual and team performances. Well done to everyone who participated and congratulations to the following teams and students who placed in the top three positions.
Event |
Name |
Result |
9 Years Mixed Medley Relay |
Euan Lengenberg, Catherine Wegener, Angus Sallie |
3rd |
9 Girls 50m Freestyle |
Catherine Wegener |
3rd |
11 Boys 50m Backstroke |
Thomas Wegener |
3rd |
11 Girls 50m Backstroke |
Emily Lengenberg |
2nd |
9 Boys 50m Backstroke |
Euan Lengenberg |
2nd |
9 Girls 50m Backstroke |
Catherine Wegener |
2nd |
11 Girls 50m Butterfly |
Emily Lengenberg |
1st |
9 Girls Freestyle Relay |
Catherine Wegener, Eva Barker, Macey McFadden |
3rd |
At the end of the carnival, an age champion from each division was announced. Congratulations to the following students who were placed in the top three places for their age group:
- Catherine Wegener – 3rd place
- Emily Lengenberg – runner up
Overall, Pacific placed fourth in the percentage trophy and sixth in the aggregate trophy.
From these carnival results, the following students have been selected to represent the district at the Regional Swim Carnival next week.
- Thomas Wegener
- Charlie Schefe
- Emily Lengenberg
- Evie Richters
Well done and good luck at next week’s carnival.
Kawana Park Eagles AFL Club
The Kawana Park Eagles AFL Club are looking for players to join the 2020 season in the following age groups:
- 8.5’s (Year 2 and 3) 9 per side - $235 for season
- 10.5’s (Year 4 and 5) 12 per side - $275 for season
The club is located adjacent to Pacific at the recently developed AFL fields. Games are played in zones to reduce crowding on the field and training is from 4.00pm – 5.00pm on Thursdays.
If you would like to register your child, please visit:
Mr Darren Hooper, Head of Junior Sport
Secondary Sport (7-12)
Team |
Opposition |
Score |
Result |
Int Boys A Volleyball |
SUN1 |
0-2 |
Loss |
Alex Monroe |
Int Boys B Volleyball |
0-2 |
Loss |
Hudson Gear |
Int Girls A Volleyball |
SUN1 |
2-0 |
Win |
Katie Graves |
Int Girls B Volleyball |
0-2 |
Loss |
Alex Anderson-Stevens |
Jnr Boys A Volleyball |
1-2 |
Loss |
Cooper Whatham |
Jnr Boys B Volleyball |
2-0 |
Win |
Jed Picken |
Jnr Girls A Volleyball |
SUN1 |
2-1 |
Win |
Charlise Bell |
Jnr Girls B Volleyball |
2-0 |
Win |
Brianna Walsh |
Open Boys Soccer |
2-1 |
Win |
Toby Hussey |
Mr Brett Kersnovske, Head of Sport
Club Sport
Meet and Greet FUN Day!
Thank you to everyone who attended our Meet and Greet Fun Day last Sunday. It was a wonderful way to open the season and celebrate with our families.
In addition to the free rides and food, we held a number of new initiatives during the day:
- Our new hydration station was very well received and we reduced plastic water bottles by more than 96 units!
- Our Great Boot Swap enabled families to pass on boots that no longer fit their children to others.
- Our Donated Jersey Rack is raising money for the Bushfire Appeal. Thank you to our ex-Pacific Soccer Family (Rhana and Matt Holt) for their most generous donation of pre-owned jerseys for the appeal.
Thank you to Rent Me Truck Hire for the free use of the cold room and Guzman y Gomez, Laserzone Sunshine Coast and Gelatissimo for their generous support for the season with encouragement awards.
We start the season with 14 teams and thank the attached coaches and managers for leading our players in 2020.
On Tuesday 10th March, a special ‘Growing Pacific FC’ information evening will be held from 6.30pm to 7.30pm. If you are interested in helping out this season, please come along and hear how you can contribute to growing the Club. Please RSVP on our events page to help with catering (no charge to attendees).
Do you enjoy keeping fit and having fun with your friends? Most teams are full for the 2020 season, however we do have a few opportunities in the following age divisions:
- U8 x 2 spots
- U9 x 2
- U13 and U14 x 1 spot each
- U15/16 x 2 spots
Please email your interest to: /Users/sscarlett/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/INetCache/Content.Outlook/XX3TQOBU/">
The first games of the season are on Saturday 7th March with U6-U10 Rooball Carnivals and U11+ Grading Matches. Visit: to access the draws and field information.
Mrs Rita Williams, Pacific FC President
Our teams have been selected, training has commenced and the Club is preparing for the start of the season on Saturday 7th March. As is tradition, the season commences with a march past of all Clubs, followed by a grading round robin competition. The grading period has been extended this year to allow all teams to play each other with an aim of improving the process.
Last Saturday’s trials were highly successful with strong performances on court and community spirt off court. Our new dresses have been well received and Steve worked tirelessly on the BBQ to ensure that another generation of Caloundra children recognise him and the ‘BBQ man’!
There are still positions available for girls born in 2008 or 2009. If you are interested in playing, please contact me via
Mr Trevor Colton, PLC Netball Club President
Uniform Shop
The Uniform Shop is open from 8.00am to 9.30am every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Orders can be placed online via and will be delivered to your child the following day.
Mrs Peta King, Uniform Shop Convenor
St Mark’s Lutheran Church
![]() |
Sunday Worship Times St Mark’s Church @ Pacific 9.30am Pacific Lutheran College (Entry via Red Cedar Drive, Meridan Plains) Google Maps St Mark's Lutheran @ Pacific
Are you looking for a friendly church where young people, old people, children, families and singles are appreciated, empowered and encouraged to grow as Christians? Everyone is welcome! Get in touch: Pastor Ray Morris 0429 856 532 |
Pastor Ray, St Mark’s Lutheran Church
General Notices
The LLL has a variety of savings accounts: personal and joint accounts; guardian accounts for children; and Business accounts, including self-managed super funds and not-for-profit organisations.
LLL Savings Accounts have many features, including:
- A great interest rate;
- No fees or charges at all;
- Internet banking;
- No minimum balance or deposit requirements;
- No ‘bonus’ interest hurdles; and
- Your money is available to withdraw at any time.
For further information regarding the LLL, visit the College’s Business Office or
Pacific Lutheran College is fundraising with Entertainment™ again this year. Order your NEW 2020 Entertainment™ Books and Entertainment™ Digital Memberships today and 20% of the proceeds will go towards Pacific Lutheran Early Learning Centre!
To order your book or digital membership, visit:
Upcoming Dates
2 Year 4-6 SCISSA Training (3.15pm – 4.15pm)
4 10-19yrs Regional Swim Carnival
5 Year 4-6 SCISSA Trial Game – SCC
6 International Women’s Day Breakfast (7.00am)
9 Year 4-6 SCISSA Training (3.15pm – 4.15pm)
12 Year 4-6 SCISSA Trial Game – NCC
14 Music Scholarship Test
16 Year 4-6 SCISSA Training (3.15pm – 4.15pm)
17 Friends of Pacific (6.30pm)
20 Pacific as a Peace Place
21 Academic Scholarship Test
24-26 Prep – Year 5 Parent Conferences
26 Year 4-6 SCISSA Gala Day 1
27 Prep – Year 9 College Dance